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Add. MS b/37/125 · Item · c 1947-c 1955
Part of Additional Manuscripts b

1 Brick Court, Temple, London. E.C.4. Dated 26 June 1919 - Thanked [Peter] Mackie for giving another £1000 to the [Roscoe] expedition; met the editor of the African Society's Journal, [William] Crabtree, who is writing an article on the expedition; hears [Henry] Jackson is very ill of diabetes; is working on a translation of Apollodorus for the Loeb Library, grudges the time spent on it, wants to return to anthropology, 'my real work'.

Add. MS b/37/126 · Item · c 1947-c 1955
Part of Additional Manuscripts b

1 Brick Court, Temple, London. E.C.4. Dated 24 July 1919 - [William] Crabtree wrote a notice in the July number of the Journal of the African Society; writes about the illness of Lilly Frazer (a bad cold), [William] Ridgeway (recovering), Henry Jackson (diabetes), and Dr Black (whooping cough); the Peace Day celebrations were unremarkable and the miners are behaving badly.

Add. MS b/37/127 · Item · c 1947-c 1955
Part of Additional Manuscripts b

1 Brick Court, Temple, London. E.C.4. Dated 1 September 1919 - Julius Tillyard is having difficulty getting passage to Johannesburg, so Frazer is thankful Roscoe left when he did; [Henry] Jackson is recovered; [Grafton] Elliot Smith is going to University College London; they think of wintering in Greece; [Edvard] Westermarck is bringing out a new edition of his book on marriage; both Cambridge and Oxford expect to be crammed with students next term.

Add. MS b/37/128 · Item · c 1947-c 1955
Part of Additional Manuscripts b

1 Brick Court, Temple, London. E.C.4. Dated 12 September 1919 - Tells him he has asked the Royal Society to sort out his customs problems, recommends he write direct to the Royal Society in future; hopes he is in the field and has employed a competent photographer; Alexander Macalister has died; Henry Jackson is better.

Add. MS b/37/134 · Item · c 1947-c 1955
Part of Additional Manuscripts b

1 Brick Court, Temple, London. E.C.4. Dated April 8th 1920 - At a meeting of the Committee of the Expedition [William] Mackie offered another £1000 for the fund, which had been invested in War Loans which had lost value; is planning on writing a fuller report on the expedition for 'Man'; have moved back into the Middle Temple flat, Lilly still has a racking cough; spent a day in Cambridge and saw various friends (W. J. Lewis, J. W. Capstick, and J. J. Thomson, but not Henry Jackson), and has been offered an honorary degree; has had a friendly letter from [William] Ridgeway; has a copy of 'Totemism and Taboo' by 'a German or Austrian psychologist [Sigmund Freud], who borrows most of his facts from me', 'he seems to have a great vogue with some people'.

Add. MS b/37/136 · Item · c 1947-c 1955
Part of Additional Manuscripts b

1 Brick Court, Temple, London. E.C.4. Dated 7th July 1920 - Lists who he saw in Cambridge at the honorary degree ceremony: Arthur Balfour, the Ridgeways, [William?] Cox, A. B. Cook, Henry Jackson, who is frail; has been elected a Fellow of the Royal Society; Sir Peter Mackie has given £3500 in total to the expedition; will send a copy of an article on his work among the Bahima in 'Man'; comments on the customs of the Banyoro; is interested in measurement of all kinds; have seen much of Malinowski; Lilly is much better and editing an anthology of recent French poetry for Oxford University Press, and has a big scheme in mind for developing French in Britain.