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Add. MS a/683/1/10 · Item · 28 Apr. 1917
Part of Additional Manuscripts a

(On the front of the menu is a photograph of the Great Gate at Trinity. The signatures include those of a number of Fellows of the College besides Housman, including F. A. Simpson, R. St John Parry, Henry Jackson, V. H. Stanton, W. C. Dampier Whetham, Sedley Taylor, R. Vere Laurence, J. Ellis McTaggart, H. McLeod Innes, Gaillard Lapsley, F. R. Tennant, and F. G. Hopkins.)

Add. MS b/36/102 · Item · c 1947-c 1955
Part of Additional Manuscripts b

Maura, Dean Park Road, Bournemouth. Dated 21 March, 1896 - Congratulates him on his engagement; assures him there has been no coldness this term or ever, he has been busy: his brother Arthur died in December and he has been caught up in matters of his estate, and that of his father-in-law [Francis Vansittart Thornton], who died nearly a year ago.

Add. MS b/36/103 · Item · c 1947-c 1955
Part of Additional Manuscripts b

Trinity College, Cambridge. Dated 18th February 1898 - Thanks him for the Pausanias, notes that it is twenty-four years since he took part in Frazer's election to a minor scholarship, and it is 'pleasant to think how completely you have justified the choice'.

Add. MS b/36/104 · Item · c 1947-c 1955
Part of Additional Manuscripts b

Trinity College, Cambridge. Dated 19th May 1911 - Thanks him for 'Taboo'; [John] Roscoe has had interviews with the secretaries of the Prime Minister and the Lord Chancellor; and one, [Adolphus] Liddell, reports it went well; he had previously written to Kenneth Muir Mackenzie and received a cordial reply.

Add. MS b/36/105 · Item · c 1947-c 1955
Part of Additional Manuscripts b

Trinity College, Cambridge. Dated 23rd May 1910 - Thanks him for his copy of 'Totemism and Exogamy', grieves that [Lorimer] Fison and [A. W.] Howitt have not lived to read it; had a visit from [John] Roscoe; and discusses ways he has supported Roscoe's candidature: he reminded [Lord] Crewe of Frazer's application for Roscoe, and wrote to Sir Kenneth Muir Mackenzie recommending Roscoe; notes that he knows the Chancellor [Lord Loreburn], but thinks it more effective to approach Muir Mackenzie.

Add. MS b/36/106 · Item · c 1947-c 1955
Part of Additional Manuscripts b

Trinity College, Cambridge. Dated 30 October, 1919 - Thanks him for dedicating his book to him, congratulates himself for being on Council when they made Frazer a Student-Fellow 'one of our very best deeds'; his daughter Edith is writing to his dictation owing to eye troubles.

TRER/12/108 · Item · 6 May 1907
Part of Papers of Robert Calverley Trevelyan and Elizabeth Trevelyan

8, Grosvenor Crescent, S.W. - Glad to have good news of Bessie and Paul; they look forward to seeing them all soon. Caroline has sent for [E. M. Forster's] "The Longest Journey", and Sir George will read it after his current novel. What Robert says about the Apostles inspires him to send some 'scraps... unearthed' when sifting old letters; Cowell was an 'ideal personage... a man who carried camaraderie to the highest point in [their] set and generation'. [Henry] Jackson persuaded Sir George to 'take over my MA' since the University may someday want a Liberal representative. Has nothing to do, and is very tired after sixteen consecutive months of work, including two of illness; the proofs [of the last volume of "The American Revolution"] will be a pleasure. Sends best wishes to Bertie Russell.

O./10a.34 · Item · 1860-1863
Part of Manuscripts in Wren Class O

First 3 ff. headed 'Rules for the formation of a Club', including list of founding members: The Duke of St. Albans, Montagu Corry, J. J. Cowell,, G. O. Trevelyan, F. Storr, W. Everett, H. Y. Thompson, E. Willmot.' Signed E[dmund] Willmot, President, May 1960.

The rest of the minutes record dates of meetings and the members' rooms in which each took place; participants, including honorary members and visitors; elections of new members

With letter, written at Trinity 27 Mar. 1905, from Henry Jackson to Walter Morley Fletcher relating to Erastus Corning Pruyn. This is attached to notes by Jackson, comprising a list of members (1 folded sheet), each with a brief biography and date of their admission to Trinity, and a list of visitors (6 single sheets) with the same information. A note of the end of this states: '[W. E.] Currey tells me that the refreshments provided in the early days of the Club were sandwiches and gin sling. In its later days there was an elaborate supper, with two Trinity Hall cups, one Chesterfield, the other usually Madeira. Supper was usually at ten o' clock, after supper whist was resumed'. With envelope originally containing these notes, addressed to the Librarian, Trinity College, and with a label in the hand of A. F. Scholfield, Librarian.

Add. MS c/103/114 · Item · 20 Mar 1901
Part of Additional Manuscripts c

Was glad to have Nora's letter, and to hear that she was not dissatisfied with his article on Henry Sidgwick [for Mind]. Notes her corrections, but fears that he will not be able to make use of them because the dictionary article [for the Dictionary of National Biography] 'is necessarily very condensed', and doubts whether it contains any of the inaccuracies she mentions. States that he took the date of the lectureship from a paper given to him by [Henry?] Jackson. Did not mean to imply that Henry Sidgwick 'intentionally stammered: but only that he managed to turn it to account.' Hopes that she may be able to put together the letters and life, and supercede his 'and other ephemeral notices.' Will call on her the next time he is in Cambridge.

Stephen, Sir Leslie (1832-1904), knight, author and literary critic
Add. MS b/37/125 · Item · c 1947-c 1955
Part of Additional Manuscripts b

1 Brick Court, Temple, London. E.C.4. Dated 26 June 1919 - Thanked [Peter] Mackie for giving another £1000 to the [Roscoe] expedition; met the editor of the African Society's Journal, [William] Crabtree, who is writing an article on the expedition; hears [Henry] Jackson is very ill of diabetes; is working on a translation of Apollodorus for the Loeb Library, grudges the time spent on it, wants to return to anthropology, 'my real work'.

FRAZ/18/126 · Item · 11 May 1932
Part of Papers of Sir James Frazer

27 Queen's Gate Gardens, S.W.7. - Thanks her for the copy of the address to the Glasgow Corporation; shares information learned earlier that day that in Dec. 1873 he and James both sat for the Trinity scholarship; he did not go to King's due to an incident during the Christmas holidays, after which he started work at Macmillan's; at the High Table at Trinity Henry Jackson told him to remember Frazer, who was later second in the first class of the Tripos to his old friend A. H. Cooke; a letter from J. H. Middleton commended 'The Golden Bough', resulting at last in 'the personal association which has ever since been to me a matter of so much pride and pleasure'; delighted to hear his eyesight has improved; happy to hear of the facilities offered by the British Museum; glad he is writing about 'The Fear of the Dead', which George had often discussed with him; is still confined to bed for what seemed a trivial accident.

Add. MS c/101/126 · Item · 12 Feb 1906
Part of Additional Manuscripts c

Claims to have meant to send 'these [articles]' sooner, but has been puzzling over the lectures on sociology, which she had mentioned, intending to send them also. Feels that she had better get 'a clearer picture of them and of their relation to published papers' before sending them.

With regards 'the Classical Review article' returns Dr Jackson's letter to Ward [not included], and sends one from J. B. Mayor to Henry Sidgwick . Asks him to return the latter at his leisure. Thinks that it would be a mistake to print the article in a collection of Henry's papers, as 'his part is so very short'. Adds, however, that Miss Sharpley, to whom she showed it 'is much charmed with it as an imitation of Plato'. States that Henry's part 'only brings out one point and [one has] no means of knowing whether he admitted Grote's answer to it to be sufficient - whether the G[ ] of the latter part of the whole paper can be considered as representing Henry's view or not.' Speculates as to the circumstances under which the discussion took place, and suggests it took place at Trumpington. Thinks that the article should be referred to in any bibliography and that a bibliography 'ought to be given either in the volume of fragments or in the biography....'

Also sends him the 1871 number of the Contemporary Review, 'containing the article on Verification of Beliefs...and one in the Nineteenth Century for 1880 on Historical Psychology'. Remarks that Henry was rather dissatisfied with the second one when it appeared. In relation to 'Miss Jones', states that she believes that Henry 'intended her to judge about publication [or] republication of Ethical matter in the same way that he asked [Ward] to do about philosophical work.' Thinks that she is 'a little too much inclined to publish' and considers trying to argue with her about any particular paper before a final decision is come to.' States that 'of course the question of republishing all the papers in Mind or all the notices of books is not purely a question of Ethics. Adds that 'in deciding about Ethical or Philosophical papers or anything else [they] must have regard to the whole amount to be published and the arrangement of volumes and must therefore talk it over all together to some extent.'

Announces that she envisages the publication of two volumes; one of 'philosophical and ethical etc fragments and essays for students' and one of 'more literary essays suited to the general public, and no more', and that the second would probably be entirely reprints. Lists the works possibly to be included in the first volume, including Kant lectures, Green lectures, Ethical papers, lectures on Sociology, articles on the Sophists in the Journal of Philology, the 'Dialogue in Mind on Time and Common sense', 'the articles in the Contemporary and XIXth Century sent with the letter [not included], Ethical articles in Mind, and 'some lectures on Kant's Ethics'.

States that the 'popular volume edited by A[rthur] S[idgwick] would probably be small', and would probably contain a review of Clough in the Westminster Review of 1869, an article on Bentham in the Fortnightly of 1877, 'Political Prophecy and Sociology for the National Review of 1899', the address on Economics 'to section F. of the British Association 1885', 'The Theory of Clerical Education from the volume on Liberal Education 1867', 'Idle Fellowship[s]' in the Contemporary [Review] of 1876, '[A] Lecture against Lecturing' from the New Review of 1890, an article on [Seeley's] Ecce Homo in the Westminster Review of 1866, 'The Prophet of Luther' in Macmillan's Magazine of 1867, 'The Economic Lessons of Socialism' in the Economic Journal of 1895, 'Economic Socialism' in the Contemporary Review of 1886 (though Nora thinks that the latter 'is probably practically superseded by Elements of Politics), a short appreciation of J.S. Mill's work on his death in 1873 (of which Mrs Marshall gave Nora a copy) in the Academy of 1873, and an article on sociology.

Sidgwick, Eleanor Mildred (1845-1936), college head
Add. MS b/37/126 · Item · c 1947-c 1955
Part of Additional Manuscripts b

1 Brick Court, Temple, London. E.C.4. Dated 24 July 1919 - [William] Crabtree wrote a notice in the July number of the Journal of the African Society; writes about the illness of Lilly Frazer (a bad cold), [William] Ridgeway (recovering), Henry Jackson (diabetes), and Dr Black (whooping cough); the Peace Day celebrations were unremarkable and the miners are behaving badly.

Add. MS b/37/127 · Item · c 1947-c 1955
Part of Additional Manuscripts b

1 Brick Court, Temple, London. E.C.4. Dated 1 September 1919 - Julius Tillyard is having difficulty getting passage to Johannesburg, so Frazer is thankful Roscoe left when he did; [Henry] Jackson is recovered; [Grafton] Elliot Smith is going to University College London; they think of wintering in Greece; [Edvard] Westermarck is bringing out a new edition of his book on marriage; both Cambridge and Oxford expect to be crammed with students next term.

Add. MS b/37/128 · Item · c 1947-c 1955
Part of Additional Manuscripts b

1 Brick Court, Temple, London. E.C.4. Dated 12 September 1919 - Tells him he has asked the Royal Society to sort out his customs problems, recommends he write direct to the Royal Society in future; hopes he is in the field and has employed a competent photographer; Alexander Macalister has died; Henry Jackson is better.

Add. MS b/37/134 · Item · c 1947-c 1955
Part of Additional Manuscripts b

1 Brick Court, Temple, London. E.C.4. Dated April 8th 1920 - At a meeting of the Committee of the Expedition [William] Mackie offered another £1000 for the fund, which had been invested in War Loans which had lost value; is planning on writing a fuller report on the expedition for 'Man'; have moved back into the Middle Temple flat, Lilly still has a racking cough; spent a day in Cambridge and saw various friends (W. J. Lewis, J. W. Capstick, and J. J. Thomson, but not Henry Jackson), and has been offered an honorary degree; has had a friendly letter from [William] Ridgeway; has a copy of 'Totemism and Taboo' by 'a German or Austrian psychologist [Sigmund Freud], who borrows most of his facts from me', 'he seems to have a great vogue with some people'.

Add. MS b/37/136 · Item · c 1947-c 1955
Part of Additional Manuscripts b

1 Brick Court, Temple, London. E.C.4. Dated 7th July 1920 - Lists who he saw in Cambridge at the honorary degree ceremony: Arthur Balfour, the Ridgeways, [William?] Cox, A. B. Cook, Henry Jackson, who is frail; has been elected a Fellow of the Royal Society; Sir Peter Mackie has given £3500 in total to the expedition; will send a copy of an article on his work among the Bahima in 'Man'; comments on the customs of the Banyoro; is interested in measurement of all kinds; have seen much of Malinowski; Lilly is much better and editing an anthology of recent French poetry for Oxford University Press, and has a big scheme in mind for developing French in Britain.

O./11a.2/14 · Item · [Jan. 1920 or later]
Part of Manuscripts in Wren Class O

Jackson's letter, 19 Aug. 1919, to the Master [J. J. Thompson] is typed out after the printed birthday wishes and list of fellows, as is an extract of a letter from A. E. Housman to [Reginald St. John] Parry, 3 Jan. 1920: 'Not if the stipend were £150, 000 instead of £150 would I be Public Orator... The letter to Jackson last year laid waste three whole mornings...'

Add. MS c/95/140 · Item · 16 Nov 1869
Part of Additional Manuscripts c

Refers to the fact that HS helped him to get examiners the previous year, and appeals to him again for help. Announces that he wants five men, including Sidgwick. Remarks that Sidgwick's brother Arthur is the examiner of the Sixth [Form]. Explains his needs; examiners to take the Greek and Latin unseen and the Latin verse, for various classes. States that he would gladly give the Sixth Examiners £20 each, and to each of the other examiners £15. Is anxious to have Sidgwick and three of the men of the previous year. Believes that Peile is to be [at Rugby] when the examinations are to take place. Would like Jackson to come.

Temple, Frederick (1821-1902) Archbishop of Canterbury
TRER/8/147 · Item · 17 July 1907
Part of Papers of Robert Calverley Trevelyan and Elizabeth Trevelyan

Worplesdon Rectory, Guildford. - Don [Donald Tovey] has been 'on one of his very fugitive visits' and read Trevelyan's "Ariadne" ["The Bride of Dionysus"], which gave them so much pleasure that Tovey is writing to tell Trevelyan. Is sure that Trevelyan and Donald's joint work [on the opera] will be 'epochmaking in the history of English history and music'. Only has criticism of the 'most pedantic kind', which he will not bother to write; if the public can stand the Wagnerian legend for the sake of the music, they should really appreciate 'what is truly classical in the best sense'. Encourages Trevelyan to visit, as he promised after they had 'deposited [Henry?] Jackson at the Charing Cross Hotel after that miraculous & bewildering ride in the motor omnibus'. A postscript asks whether [Thomas Babington] Macauley did indeed call Versailles 'a huge heap of littleness'; is sure he did, following [Thomas] Gray's use of a phrase from [Alexander] Pope; invites Trevelyan to see 'how minute [he is] becoming or become'. Also asks Trevelyan whether he is aware that the Arthurian legend exists in Scotland, and that at Meigle in Perthshire 'they show you the tomb of Queen Wander' who was pulled apart by wild horses 'for nae gude that she did', and Wander is Guinevere [see Gray, '"Works" (1825) vol II p. 274].

Add. MS c/160 · File · [c 1830?]-1887
Part of Additional Manuscripts c

Three separate groups of material:

  • An unbound notebook of miscellaneous items, which includes a dialogue between Plato and Paley, with various drawings, parts of poems and complete poems by William Wordsworth and Percy Bysshe Shelley, and a hand-drawn calendar listing plays printed in England in the 16th and 17th centuries.
  • 5 copies of a pamphlet headed “Euripides (A lecture delivered in 1857)” signed W. H. T. at the end in wrappers, including one inscribed to H. Jackson and another to Professor Badham, with Thompson's corrections, and another with a note on the front indicating that it was to be revised and submitted to the Journal of Philology, with 13 copies of the offprints from that journal, vol. XI
  • Catalogue of the valuable library of the Rev. W. H. Thompson, D.D., deceased…which will be sold by auction, by Messrs. Sotheby, Wilkinson & Hodge…on the 23rd of May, 1887 & the three days following. London, [1887]. With annotations throughout by an unidentified person.
Thompson, William Hepworth (1810-1886), college head