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Add. MS b/36/108 · Item · c 1947-c 1955
Part of Additional Manuscripts b

1 Marloes Road, Kensington, W. Dated April 21 - Thanks him for reading the draft of an unidentified text ['Modern Mythology'?]; mentions the mouse and Apollo, thinks exogamy is only part of the general totem taboo.

Add. MS a/204/108 · Item · 2 Nov. 1853
Part of Additional Manuscripts a

Clifton, Bristol - Mr and Mrs Forbes were very concerned over the health of Cordelia Whewell, although now feel more assured after receiving a favourable report from Lady Monteagle. Could WW send him Arago's essay on Young [Thomas Young].

Add. MS b/37/108 · Item · c 1947-c 1955
Part of Additional Manuscripts b

1 Brick Court, Temple E.C. Dated 11th March 1916 - Is glad the book reached him, and that [George Foot?] Moore's book is helpful; is working on 'Folk-Lore in the Bible'; is interested to hear about the Feltwell living; his nephew [John Steggall] has been appointed to a ship, and Lilly's nephew [Cecil Dodd?] has a commission in a line regiment; have good accounts of Lilly's children in Stockholm [Charles] and Paris [Lilly].

Letter from Charles Lyell
Add. MS a/208/108 · Item · 27 Jan. 1831
Part of Additional Manuscripts a

Kinnardy, Forfar - Thanks WW 'for the great service you have done all geologists and me in particular by your splendid article in the British Critic' ['Lyell's 'Principles of Geology' volume 1', British Critic, 1831]. The 'keeping out of view all collision between geology and theology is a piece of tact which all [here] regret that the Quarterly Review did not do - no one more so than the editor - But for my running my head against the history of opinion I should have done this as carefully as you, I shall in v.2.' CL greatly admires what William Buckland has achieved in such an atmosphere. Can WW help him with his nomenclature: 'I cannot freely connect Sedgwick and other geologists whose judgment I much respect'. The 'only terms and divisions on which I feel quite decided are first to separate Tertiary and Contemporary'.

Gelotte, B.
SYNG/J/108 · File · 1963-1970
Part of Papers of Richard Synge

Correspondence re Sephadex. Gelotte was based at AB Pharmacia, Uppsala, Sweden.

FRSH/B/108 · Item · c 1943
Part of Papers of Otto Frisch

Includes some personal notes as well as experiments and extensive drawings of apparatus.

N.d. but includes several caricature drawings of friends and colleagues, two (of Shull Arms and Evan Gill) dated '~ 1943'.

Includes loose page of notes on verso of concert programme, 1943.

Add. MS c/108 · Item · [1864]
Part of Additional Manuscripts c

Incomplete illustrated fair copy of a travel journal which stops in the middle of chapter 4 of a projected 9 chapters. MS title page continues, 'Illustrated with plates, vignettes, plans, and a map of the route taken from the time of entering Switzerland to the time of leaving it at Basle; by James Coulman Ross; of Trinity College, Cambridge; Life member of the British Association for the Advancement of Science.' With a contents page that projects chapters and plates not completed here; present is a folding panorama map from the Aeggischorn and from the Mettelhorn, a folding map of the route in Switzerland, and a folding table, 'Notes from the thermometer, aneroid, & barometer, copied from observations taken by Rev. Geo. C. Hodgkinson'. Ross travelled with George Christopher Hodgkinson, George Frederick Hodgkinson, George James Spence Hodgkinson, and Grosvenor Hodgkinson.

Ross, James Coulman (1844-1916) clergyman