Items D1/2-D1/51 were bundled together and marked "Notes up to 1927" by Sraffa. In most cases this date is our only evident terminus ante quem. Sraffa's own file titles are given in inverted commas
Items D1/54-90 were bundled together and marked "Notes 1928-31" by Sraffa although some items predate this. Items D1/54-68 formed a sub-bundle
Items D1/70-89 relate principally to the "circus" of economists who discussed Keynes' Treatise on Money
For notes used for the research for Production of Commodities by means of commodities see D3/12
Includes papers dealing with the establishment of COMSCEE
Includes lists of: principal invited lectures, demonstrations, invited seminars and lectures, list of publication from the Epstein-Barr virus group, and list of publications co-authored by Sir Anthony Epstein, Yvonne Barr, Bert G. Achong, and others. Includes letter from Institute of Scientific Information, dealing with the impact of publications by frequency of citation and a summary of scientific findings in published work.
Includes broadcasts and interviews
Lecture given in Tokyo and Kyoto Universities in early 1983.
Published by the Omega Workshops Ltd; [designed by Roger Fry]. With MS corrections by R. C. Trevelyan on [p. 1], p. 8.
Declines invitation for 17th; seeks Colonial appointment next spring 'in a temperate climate and where representative institutions prevail'; would not accept Ceylon under any circumstances.
Portrait of seated woman wearing a mobcap/bonnet. The original sketch seems to have been done in pencil with a little shading from a red crayon. Some spotting.
Graham's Town, Cape of Good Hope. - The new Governor Sir George Grey mentioned that Milnes had offered to do Knight a favour; has been seeking home leave on urgent private business for 18 months; scarcity of officers now relieved but the current General Officer [James Jackson] is 'the most implacable old gentleman that ever held command'; he will only allow home those who sell out; refused Knight's claim though it was supported by Grey and others; would Milnes urge it with Lord Hardinge. Jackson's nephew has enjoyed long periods of leave; believes he may have influenced his uncle adversely owing to jealousy of Knight's Indian service.
Thirlestane, Selkirk, N[orth] B[ritain]. - His son Mark seeks the office of Remembrancer for the City of London, which Mr Robartes [sic: Charles Henry Robarts] is to vacate after quarrelling with the authorities. 'Mr Robartes was so ingenuous as to desire to reform some of the Corporation. I am confident that Mark would not have been so simple. Solicits Houghton's influence in 'the Land of the Turtle' and asks him to advise Mark. Postscript: will remain at his current address until the Land Bill comes before the Lords.
On the spine is stamped 'Rudd and Perreau: Original Documents'. For the contents see the separate descriptions.