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Descrição arquivística
Papers of C. D. Broad, Part II
Papers of C. D. Broad, Part II
Papers of R. A. Herman
Papers of R. A. Herman
Papers of Edwin Montagu, Part II
Papers of Edwin Montagu, Part II
Papers of Lord Butler
Papers of Lord Butler
Papers of G. T. Lapsley
Papers of G. T. Lapsley
Papers of J. D. Duff
Papers of J. D. Duff
Papers of Sir James Jeans
Papers of Sir James Jeans
Papers of Piero Sraffa
Papers of Piero Sraffa
Papers of Francis Aston
Papers of Francis Aston
Papers of Lord Adrian
Papers of Lord Adrian
Papers of Frederick Field
Papers of Frederick Field
Papers of Sir Richard Claverhouse Jebb
Papers of Sir Richard Claverhouse Jebb
Additional Manuscripts b
Additional Manuscripts b
Papers of Sir Joseph Thomson (J. J. Thomson), Part I
Papers of Sir Joseph Thomson (J. J. Thomson), Part I
Additional Manuscripts d
Additional Manuscripts d
Papers of Otto Frisch
Papers of Otto Frisch
Correspondence in Russian (three letters have ms translations into English).
Correspondence in Russian (three letters have ms translations into English).
Papers of Harold Davenport
Papers of Harold Davenport
Papers of Richard Monckton Milnes, Lord Houghton
Papers of Richard Monckton Milnes, Lord Houghton
Papers of L. S. Bosanquet
Papers of L. S. Bosanquet
Papers of Vivien Law
Papers of Vivien Law
Papers of A. J. Munby and Hannah Cullwick
Papers of A. J. Munby and Hannah Cullwick
"Opinioni sulla forma della curva di utilita del reddito"
"Opinioni sulla forma della curva di utilita del reddito"
Notes on ?increasing and diminishing returns
Notes on ?increasing and diminishing returns
Papers of Ludwig Wittgenstein
Papers of Ludwig Wittgenstein
Correspondence of Dawson Turner, Sir Francis Palgrave, and Hudson Gurney
Correspondence of Dawson Turner, Sir Francis Palgrave, and Hudson Gurney
Papers of Clive Bell
Papers of Clive Bell
Papers of G. K. Batchelor
Papers of G. K. Batchelor
Papers of Sir James Butler (J. R. M. Butler)
Papers of Sir James Butler (J. R. M. Butler)
Myers Papers
Myers Papers