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Archival description
Wrapper formerly containing R.2.68a/1, 68b, and 68c
Wrapper formerly containing R.2.68a/1, 68b, and 68c
Binding made for R.2.40A/1–7
Binding made for R.2.40A/1–7
Transcripts and collations of John Wyclif's De Ente
Transcripts and collations of John Wyclif's De Ente
Transcription of I.6 De Tempore, Mr Austin's copy
Transcription of I.6 De Tempore, Mr Austin's copy
Transcript of I.1 De Ente in communi
Transcript of I.1 De Ente in communi
Transcript of I.2 De Ente primo
Transcript of I.2 De Ente primo
Collation of two manuscripts of I.6 De Tempore, in the National Library, Prague
Collation of two manuscripts of I.6 De Tempore, in the National Library, Prague
Transcript of II.5 De Ydeis, with collation of the National Library, Prague VIII.F.1 and IV.H.9
Transcript of II.5 De Ydeis, with collation of the National Library, Prague VIII.F.1 and IV.H.9
Transcript of I.5 De Universalibus, Mr Austin's copy
Transcript of I.5 De Universalibus, Mr Austin's copy
Transcript of I.5 De Universalibus with collations of various manuscripts, Mr Bullock's copy
Transcript of I.5 De Universalibus with collations of various manuscripts, Mr Bullock's copy
Transcript of II.2 De Scientia Dei
Transcript of II.2 De Scientia Dei
Transcript of II.4 De Personarum Distinctione
Transcript of II.4 De Personarum Distinctione
Readings of the Stockholm MS of I.6 De Tempore
Readings of the Stockholm MS of I.6 De Tempore
Transcript of II.6 De Potentia productiva Dei ad extra
Transcript of II.6 De Potentia productiva Dei ad extra
Autograph score of Arethusa, by Alan Gray
Autograph score of Arethusa, by Alan Gray
Letter from H. Montagu Butler to Robert Sinker
Letter from H. Montagu Butler to Robert Sinker
Letter from C. V. Stanford to H. Montagu Butler
Letter from C. V. Stanford to H. Montagu Butler
Letter from C. Hubert H. Parry to Charles Villiers Stanford
Letter from C. Hubert H. Parry to Charles Villiers Stanford
Autograph score of ‘Prelude on the ancient melody “Jesu dulcis memoriae”’, by C. V. Stanford
Autograph score of ‘Prelude on the ancient melody “Jesu dulcis memoriae”’, by C. V. Stanford
Autograph score of ‘Commemoration Anthem’, by C. V. Stanford
Autograph score of ‘Commemoration Anthem’, by C. V. Stanford