Contains account of experiment and notes on results. A letter from M.L. Oliphant, 9 March 1934, re proton yield from the bombardment of heavy hydrogen with heavy hydrogen is tucked into the back of the folder.
"We have beaten Old Joe and done with the whole affair ! A good omen I hope !"
Training diary kept in a Boots Scribbling Diary, from mid-January 1963 to early January 1964, and a printed ebook memoir, written in 2024.
Letters, documents, printed material, photographs, and ephemera documenting Larkin's years at Trinity College, Cambridge from 1961-1964 and 1965-1968, particularly his academic and athletics achievements. These are accompanied by a memoir written in 2024, "An Undergrad at Cambridge."
Zonder titelScore and individual parts for a fanfare by the Trinity College Brass Ensemble composed for the 2022 1st and 3rd Trinity Boat Club May Ball. The fanfare marked the commencement of the ball.
Zonder titelPreviously holding all the material in this subseries.
Papers relating to psychical research and other occult subjects, the Perrott Fellowship, the Arthur Stanley Eddington Memorial Lecture, and the Swedish language, with group photographs relating to Dulwich College.
Zonder titelNotes, calculations, 11 pp. draft.
Includes (from rear of book) some reflections on religion.
Drafts and calculations on `Is brain determinate?'
Both ends of book used.
4 bundles.
Some of these are mounted for reproduction in various publications, others are in envelopes labelled, and sometimes dated by Thomson, but many are loose with no indication as to their origin.
Box containing slides of individual and group photographs of members of the Cavendish Laboratory.