In recognition of his services to the Borough, particularly his generosity in founding the Cambridge Dental Institute.
Zonder titelAlso some notes on classical texts/history.
Zonder titelAccompanied by a letter from Philip Gosse donating the diploma to Trinity College Library.
Zonder titelBerlin, W. Magdeburgerstr. 20. Thanks him for the Parmenides.
Chaucer Road, Cambridge. Asks for the title and date of a book, if he knows if 'Albert' knew Greek, and for a translation of a Greek phrase.
Sends two amusing bits of poetry.
74, rue Bonaparte. Sends a copy of his Études sur le "Philèbe and asks for his comments.
Trinity College, Cambridge. Thanks him for his letter and his Études sur le "Philèbe, and offers a few comments.
Trin. Coll. Cambridge. Returns a proof with some comments, states that he does not think that Jourdain's statements should be trusted, though he admits that lately he has done little or nothing in the way of translations of Aristotle.
Clark's Island, Plymouth. Describes the move to Clark's Island [Massachusetts]; discusses the newspaper coverage of the death of President Ulysses S. Grant and comments on his presidency; shares his admiration for H. A. J. Munro, who has just died; comments on both British and American political events of the day.
King's College, Cambridge. Asks for help with a passage in Aristotle's De Anima.
Girton College, Cambridge. Has a question about his lecture that morning: asks about the significance of fixed stars in Plato's Timaeus 42d.
Fen Ditton, Cambridge. Comments on Strabo 643.
Trin. Coll. Camb. Writes with two more questions, about Timaeus, has written his comments about Phaedo already.
Nürnberg. Thanks him for the essay on Aristotle's Ethics and offers a few comments.
Trinity College, Cambridge. Thanks him for the copy of Thomas Taylor, the Platonist.
Trinity College Cambridge. Asks for a copy of his papers about Thomas Taylor.
Thanks him for his birthday wishes, and sends a carte-de-visite photograph of himself; shares news of his situation and his work, with a description of the sudden death of his wife in 1899, and a year later, his marriage to her cousin.
A miscellaneous groups of notes on various classical subjects, with some printed material mixed in, including part of an issue of Archiv für Geschichte der Philosophie Vol. 11, number 1. Some of this material has been removed from books in Jackson's collection of books which may be found in the Library, as noted in the archival history section above.