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Add. MS a/208/97
Letter from John William Lubbock
- 20 Mar. 1840 (Vervaardig)
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'It is as you say quite a scandal that no ascent has been made for scientific purposes since that of Gay Lussac. Though I hope when you see my paper on Refraction you will admit that this problem is nearly put at rest, for I make observations of steam, vapour of Alcohol and confirm my law of the connexion between pressure and temperature, which is quite different from what has been supposed'. JWL has had a long discussion with the aeronaut Mr Green: 'It would not do to set about the thing with less than £1,500 [to make a balloon to investigate the atmosphere?]. JWL is annoyed at John Herschel for leaving out all notice of his work on lunar theory in his address to the Astronomical Society.
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- Lubbock, Sir John William (1803-1865) 3rd Baronet, astronomer and banker (Onderwerp)
- Lussac, Joseph Louis Gay- (1778-1850) chemist and physicist (Onderwerp)
- Green, Charles (1785-1870), balloonist (Onderwerp)
- Herschel, Sir John Frederick William (1792-1871) 1st Baronet, mathematician and astronomer (Onderwerp)