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Letter from Caroline Norton to Richard Monckton Milnes
- [c 1840] (Production)
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Étendue matérielle et support
2 ff.
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Is sending her book in return for Milnes' superior one. Her maids were shocked by 'The Brownie': 'They evidently took it as an obscure & vague calumny on the race of housemaids generally'. The Songs are proper ones and should be set to music. ''The Northern Knight in Italy is bad for young men - I mean to cut it out of the copy belonging to your Dedicatee [the Hon. Sidney Herbert]. Milnes' beautiful compression of ideas is in Rogers' style. Milnes and Fonblanque have cut her this Spring. No signature: adds illustration of a hanged man, 'Fate of those who attend yr parties & wear black crape masks'.