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Letter from Caroline Trevelyan to Elizabeth Trevelyan
- 25 Sept [1900] (Vervaardig)
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Wallington, Cambo, Northumberland. - Wonders if they have gone to town; wants to hear how they 'found them [the Knutsfords] at Pinewood'. George leaves tomorrow. Charles 'seems pretty safe to be re-elected'. Supposes Elizabeth and Robert do not 'hear much about the fight', but though she and Sir George 'are doing nothing this time of course [they] are intensely interested in it all'. They have had some 'delightful walks on the moors' in the lovely weather; often wishes Elizabeth were there. Hopes she has good news of her aunt and Marie. Is sending some figs; some game will follow tomorrow. Will let them know when they have been able to make plans about coming south.
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Onderwerp trefwoord
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Naam ontsluitingsterm
- Trevelyan, Caroline (c. 1847-1928), wife of Sir George Otto Trevelyan, 2nd Baronet (Onderwerp)
- Trevelyan, Sir George Otto (1838–1928), 2nd Baronet, politician and author (Onderwerp)
- Holland, Margaret Jean (1835-1906), née Trevelyan, wife of Henry Thurstan Holland, 1st Viscount Knutsford (Onderwerp)
- Holland, Henry Thurstan (1825–1914) 1st Viscount Knutsford, politician (Onderwerp)
- Trevelyan, Sir Charles Philips (1870-1958), 3rd Baronet, politician (Onderwerp)
- Trevelyan, George Macaulay (1876-1962), historian, public educator, and conservationist (Onderwerp)
- Hoeven, Maria Pruys van der (1824-1901) wife of Paul François Hubrecht (Onderwerp)
- Hubrecht, Maria (1865-1950) painter, known as Tuttie (Onderwerp)
- Trevelyan, Elizabeth (1875-1957), musician (Onderwerp)