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Código de referência
- 19 Dec. 1851 (Produção)
Nível de descrição
Dimensão e suporte
1 folded sheet, with envelope.
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Âmbito e conteúdo
14 York St. [?]. Strand. Addressed to Milnes at Fryston Lodge, Torquay. - Thanks Milnes for his letter of the 17th; is very glad Milnes' father could 'come to the decision he did in Mr Robson's affair, which is altogether the most extraordinary instance of perverseness I have heard of: it was of the greatest importance to have the cool judgment & great experience of Mr Milnes, & his unbiassed opinion brought to bear on the case'. Is as satisfied as he can be 'without positive proof' that the accounts as amended are 'substantially correct'. Many of Mr Robson's friends are 'quite satisfied' with what has been done; they 'all agree that... he has no one to blame but himself for the annoyance and inconvenience he has suffered'.
The interest on Lord Kensington's [?] mortgage has always been paid through Lightfoot & Robson; learns from them that they will have it paid to Milnes' account at Coutts's, and then half-yearly in future. It is part of a larger mortgage of which Mr Robson was appointed one of the Trustees when Miss M. Milnes [?] advanced the money.