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- 27 Dec. 1911 (Produção)
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Âmbito e conteúdo
Archerfield House, Dirleton.—Is disappointed that he just missed her and wishes she were there, though it is a good party. Is concerned by the dangers that women’s suffrage presents for the Prime Minister. Discusses his planned movements.
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This is a reply to A1/23.
Zona das notas
Archerfield House, Dirleton, Scotland
- 1911
My dear Venetia
Very many thanks for your most welcome letter. I can assure you I was properly furious when I realised that I had stupidly just missed you.
I want you now very much indeed. That is literally true. But there is a more urgent negative quality which you possess that makes my longing for you more strident than all your positive ones. It is that you dont play golf {2}. I am rather lonely! Not that I’m not enjoying myself hugely but I want company for my now solitary walks to the sea while everybody chases golf balls and talks about them.
Its a good party, {3} the Prime as you say in the very best form (but getting oh so venerable) Micky the most amusing man I know, Reggie Farrer who belongs to the Paul and Jones category so far as I am concerned, Bongie, Edgar Vincent, old Elwes etc etc.
I am rather unhappy about woman’s suffrage despite my belief in it—because I care for the Prime more than all and I think he must beware.
I hope to be with you on the 3rd {3}. I must go to London on the first. Will you make it all right with Lady Sheffield. I am sorry to miss the ball.
Please be prepared to listen to lots I have to say to you. I’m full of outpourings that want a victim.
Edwin S. Montagu
{1} Reading uncertain.
{2} Archerfield possessed a private nine-hole golf course.
{3} Comma supplied.
{4} Perhaps Montagu intended to underline ‘3rd’ rather than, or as well as, ‘the’.
Identificador(es) alternativo(s)
Pontos de acesso
Pontos de acesso - Assuntos
Pontos de acesso - Locais
Pontos de acesso - Nomes
- Asquith, Herbert Henry (1852-1928), 1st Earl of Oxford and Asquith, Prime Minister (Assunto)
- Meiklejohn, Sir Roderick Sinclair (1876-1962), knight, civil servant (Assunto)
- Farrer, Reginald John (1880–1920) traveller and plant collector (Assunto)
- Stanley, Mary Katharine (1848-1929), wife of the 4th Baron Sheffield (Assunto)
- Carter, Sir Maurice Bonham (1880-1960), knight, politician and civil servant (Assunto)
- Vincent, Edgar (1857–1941) 1st Viscount D'Abernon, financier and diplomatist (Assunto)
- Elwes, Gervase Henry (1866–1921), singer (Assunto)