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- 9 May 1900 (Creation)
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1 item
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10 Prinsegracht, the Hague. - Was 'utterly & completely relieved' by Bob's letter this morning; her uncle has been 'wrong & absurd in many ways', perhaps in different ways than Bob thinks, but it does not matter and they can discuss it and settle things when he comes. Her uncle is at Amsterdam and Utrecht today, so she is alone with her aunt at home. Would have been very disappointed if Bob's father had not come; says this will be her last letter on the subject; she may have been wrong in not showing Bob's mother's letter to her uncle at once, but does not think her own letter to Bob's father was wrong. Will ask her uncle where papers are sent, and if Bob can sign them here if there is a delay; would like him to come on Monday or Tuesday but can be 'magnanimously generous' if he needs to come a few days later. Would like to have seen Bob ordering the beds; asks if he found them at once, and about the mattress and pillows. Did not realise the Apostles' dinner was in London; better as it is nearer, so they can stay in a hotel for a night and go on afterwards. Is very glad to have seen and liked the clavichord at Dolmetsch's; is glad Trevelyan is pleased with the present, and it will be a 'precious thing to have', though it is rather comical that neither of them can play it. Tells Bob to bring over a 'nice hat' and 'clean overcoat', as well as his evening suit. Explains her preference for travelling to England via Flushing [Vlissingen] rather than the Hook. Is reading "Pride and Prejudice": 'how good it is, & amusing!'.
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Access points
Subject access points
Place access points
Name access points
- Trevelyan, Elizabeth (1875-1957), musician (Subject)
- Hubrecht, Paul François (1829-1902) lawyer and politician (Subject)
- Hoeven, Maria Pruys van der (1824-1901) wife of Paul François Hubrecht (Subject)
- Trevelyan, Sir George Otto (1838–1928), 2nd Baronet, politician and author (Subject)
- Trevelyan, Caroline (c. 1847-1928), wife of Sir George Otto Trevelyan, 2nd Baronet (Subject)
- Cambridge Conversazione Society (Subject)
- Dolmetsch, Eugène Arnold (1858-1940), musician and instrument maker (Subject)
- Austen, Jane (1775-1817), novelist (Subject)