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- 3 Dec. 1924 (Produção)
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2 single sheets
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Weston-super-Mare.—Thanks him for letting her see Mark’s letter, and reflects on what she has learnt recently about Fred’s love for her. Refers to some of her activities at Weston, and advises the expected time of her return to London.
Dec. 3. 1924
So many thanks for your letter, and also for letting me see Mark’s beautiful letter to you. Every word of it is intelligible & illuminated to me, because Mark & I have been going through the same country & have been learning a new language—and you are one of those who can be utterly trusted. We need not fear that unawakenedness that unconsciously turns & rends the giver of divine things.
In fact, dearest, you are shining and our eyes are opened. You have no idea how much I have been learning lately, of myself, of you & others, & of you especially. I know now that your great redeeming Love to me has been my defence & safety which I have been living in this life of time & space. You said to me once—“I have fought for you”, and I realize now how tremendously true it is. You have been the Divine Saviour of my soul & mind in this life. And now I love you because you first loved me. All this goes on in the world beneath the world of appearances & daily life which we live so happily together. When our eyes are open, we can enter heaven while in the body as Blake did. But this can only be by continual forgiveness of sins—that is to say that a river of water must wash the shore of every moment’s life, washing out all sins (i.e. separations) as they arise—our own & those of our dear ones—which are the only sins that really matter as far as we are concerned!—Heaven is moment to moment forgiving one another our sins—or at least that is an essential condition of our life there.—Well darling—that is only a language—a new language that both Mark & I have been learning. It is not any new truth, & it is nothing that you do not already know & beautifully express in your own language & in your daily attitude to life.
I have had a perfect time here—enjoying every moment. The weather is lovely. We went for a most beautiful motor ride yesterday morning—then I went up to tea with Mother, while May kept an appointment, & we all had supper at St Huberts, & a more delightful family party I have never had. Nance said Angels were in the room, & so indeed it seemed. We were all very merry.
I arrive tomorrow at Paddington 2.15. So glad Campbells are coming on Thursday night. We will have a very nice party. Great love old darling & love from all.
Your own Patz
I have just read Mark’s letter again. It is a perfectly wonderful letter. Please keep it or give it to me to keep. Such letters if eventually published, would bring untold emancipation to many struggling in the toils of self-righteousness.
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This description was created by A. C. Green in 2020.