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- [1894 or 1895] (Creation)
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Emmanuel College, Cambridge [Headed notepaper; address underlined and exclamation marks added]. - Glad Bob's '"Experience as a lawyer"' will allow him to visit next Sunday. Everyone is cheerful, 'flourishing on [their] old lines', but they 'expect "a sop"' such as Bob to be thrown them once a week: 'this week's sops were [Bertrand] Russell and his brother [Frank]'. Saw [Nathaniel] Wedd this morning for breakfast and a walk, who was 'quite all [George] had hoped or expected'. Has decided not to speak again at the Union, which is 'an inexpressible relief'. 'Great revolutions' here this term: there was 'a lady at MacT[aggart]'s "Wednesday evening" last week', and an exhibition [scholarship] has been started for history at Trinity; this is important as previously there have only been third year scholarships, which do not attract the best students; in the exams last May everyone in both years got thirds; the college have received a gift of two thousand pounds from Lord Derby. Inberg{??] has come up and is "flourishing"; [Frank?] Elliott is 'developing into the most delightful of fellows". Notes in postscript that he has 'found the kettle holder'; gives an account of the battle [of toy soldiers]; lists 'our table' as consisting of [Edward?] Marsh, [Maurice] Amos. [Ralph] Wedgwood, [Ralph] V[aughan]-Williams, [George] Moore, [Henry Graham] Dakyns, [Harry] Watkins, George himself, and his Harrow friend [Charles] Buxton.
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Subject access points
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Name access points
- Trevelyan, George Macaulay (1876-1962), historian, public educator, and conservationist (Subject)
- Russell, Bertrand Arthur William (1872-1970), 3rd Earl Russell, philosopher, journalist, and political campaigner (Subject)
- Russell, John Francis Stanley (1865-1931), 2nd Earl Russell, politician (Subject)
- Wedd, Nathaniel (1864-1940) historian (Subject)
- McTaggart, John McTaggart Ellis (1866-1925), philosopher (Subject)
- Stanley, Frederick Arthur (1841-1908) 16th Earl of Derby, politician and Governor General of Canada (Subject)
- Elliott, Frank Louis Dumbell (1874-1939), Assistant Commissioner of the London Metropolitan Police (Subject)
- Marsh, Sir Edward Howard (1872–1953), knight, civil servant and patron of the arts (Subject)
- Amos, Sir Percy Maurice Maclardie Sheldon (1872-1940), Knight, barrister, judge and legal academic (Subject)
- Wedgwood, Sir Ralph Lewis (1874-1956) 1st Baronet, railway administrator (Subject)
- Williams, Ralph Vaughan (1872-1958), composer and folk song collector (Subject)
- Dakyns, Henry Graham (1874-1937) businessman (Subject)
- Watkins, Harry Trant Godfrey (1874-1955) son of Frederick Watkins (1808-1888) (Subject)
- Buxton, Charles Roden (1875-1942) politician and philanthropist (Subject)