Stuk 34 - Letter from John Drinkwater to R. C. Trevelyan


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Letter from John Drinkwater to R. C. Trevelyan


  • 2 Feb 1916 (Vervaardig)



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260 Mary Street, Balsall Heath, Birmingham. - Thanks Trevelyan for his letter; would like to send his one act play, "The God of Quiet" [for inclusion in the proposed "Annual of New Poetry"], which should be finished by the end of the month, and two sonnets; can add other pieces nearer the time if this is not sufficient. Agrees about [H. O.] Meredith, but thinks they should keep to the original plan that he should be a 'contributor by invitation' to this number, and not be counted as a founder so the project does not 'grow out of all shape in time'. Has been 'informally invited to produce Mrs Lear [Gordon Bottomley's play "King Lear's Wife"] in London'; has heard nothing definite about dates yet but hopes to see Trevelyan there if it goes ahead. Adds a postscript to say that he has about twelve other short poems, but if more is needed from him he would rather send something longer, as he can 'get necessary income from these others more readily'.

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