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- 2 Dec. 1852 (Vervaardig)
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7 Fitzroy Square, (London).—She and her husband are grateful for Mr Milnes’s tribute to Miss Berry (i.e. his poem on her funeral).
7. Fitzroy Square
Dec[embe]r 2. 1852.
Dear Mrs Milnes
Instead of trusting to the slender chance of finding you at home on occasion of a call I venture to write & tell you how grateful Sir Cha[rle]s & I feel, in company with many others, to Mr Milnes for his most beautiful tribute to the venerated Miss Berry.
He has spoken the language of all our hearts, & I feel convinced that each who knew Miss Berry must feel as if a sweet & sacred duty had been fulfilled for them—& fulfilled exactly as each could wish—& as none other could have done—Pray tell Mr. Milnes this—truly my heart seems lightened by his lines—
Hoping that yourself & your little daughter are well whose christening I was sorry not to be able to congratulate you on I beg to remain
Your’s truly
Eliz. Eastlake
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Pasted into Crewe MS 9 (f. 37r).