Deel f. 20r - Letter from the Marquess of Winchester and Walter Mildmay to Richard Stanley (one of the tellers of the Receipt)


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Crewe MS/27/f. 20r


Letter from the Marquess of Winchester and Walter Mildmay to Richard Stanley (one of the tellers of the Receipt)


  • 17 July 1568 (Vervaardig)



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1 single sheet


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Humphrey Shelton, auditor of the Receipt, has worked diligently in his reckonings with the tellers, and they are now brought to ‘good and perfecte order’. It has come to light that one annuity of £40 a year, granted by the house of St John of Jerusalem for thirty years to Thomas Hennage, gentleman, has been paid for 4½ years after the end of the term, and that another annuity of £20 a year granted by Queen Mary to Edmund Beningfild, gentleman, for the term of his life, has been paid for three years after his death. A total of £240 is therefore to be paid back to the Queen. In consideration of these discoveries and of Shelton’s diligence and service they have allowed him £60. Stanley is to pay Shelton this sum and obtain a quittance in return.

(In the hand of an amanuensis. Signed by Winchester and Mildmay.)

Waardering, vernietiging en slectie



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    Tipped into Crewe MS 27 (f. 20v).


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