18 Mansfield Street, Portland Place, W.—Thanks him for the loan of his motor-car, and describes her excursion in it to Wolverhampton. Asks him to lunch.
(Dated Tuesday.)
18 Mansfield Street, Portland Place, W.
My dear Mr Montagu… read more
18 Mansfield Street, Portland Place, W.—Thanks him for the loan of his motor-car, and describes her excursion in it to Wolverhampton. Asks him to lunch.
(Dated Tuesday.)
18 Mansfield Street, Portland Place, W.
My dear Mr Montagu
I must write you you† a Collins for your wonderful motor. It was too glorious yesterday, we came like the wind to Llangollen where we had lunch in the shadow of Vale† Crucis Abbey and by a delicious stream, and when we arrived at Shrewsbury we simply couldnt leave the motor and came on to Wolverhampton, the 30 miles between the 2 places being done in an hour.
I wish you hadnt yielded to the call of duty as it really was great fun.
If you can face disgusting and scanty food will you lunch here Thursday at one o’clock before the McLaren wedding {1}.
Venetia Stanley
Black-edged paper. Marked ‘McClaren wedding | July ’11’ in blue biro.
{1} The wedding of Francis McLaren and Barbara Jekyll at St Margaret’s, Westminster, on 20 July. Venetia was one of the eight bridesmaids. See The Times, 21 July 1911, p. 11.
† Sic.
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