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- 3 July 1915 (Vervaardig)
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[The British Hospital, Wimereux.]—Has received his two letters. Is glad that the Prime Minister is pleased by Violet and Bongie’s engagement. Discusses the arrangements for her return to England. Is glad that Sylvia will have Anthony at home for a week or so, but fears for his safety if he transfers to a regiment in the fighting line. Is pleased at Birrell’s approval [of their engagement]. Has met Lord Wemyss, and may dine with him tomorrow. Asks for news of Edward’s progress.
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July 3rd 1915. Saturday evening
Darling I got your two letters to night. I am so glad the P.M is pleased about Violet & Bongie, I do hope they’ll be most fearfully happy. They both richly deserve it. Poor V. tho’ she’s had very glorious moments has had some very bad ones too. I’ve written to them both, tho’ I hadnt heard from either. Margot must be happy poor darling I do hope it will last.
I notice that for once in a way your plans seem to coincide entirely with mine, except as to actual day of return. I suppose I must modify my plans in order to leave on Saturday, I’ll let you know definitely about that in a day or two, but I’m sure it will be all right. I heard from Sylvia to night too, I think she will have Anthony all next week which is glorious for her. I feel suddenly terribly anxious about the possible danger to him if he leaves the Cav. Corps and gets a regiment in the fighting line. But I suppose that is rather in the nature of looking for trouble as he’s not yet got a regiment at all, much less one at the front. I may see him on his way to England.
I am glad Mr Birrell thinks it a good plan. He’s such an angel he was certain to think so.
I met Lord Wemyss in Boulogne yesterday; {1} I’m going to have the fun of lunching with him tomorrow possibly.
Its too hot for words here to-day, luckily there is nothing to do so it doesnt much matter.
Is Edward getting on all right, I hear no news of him so I hope he is.
Written at the British Hospital, Wimereux, in pencil.
{1} Semi-colon supplied.
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- Asquith, Herbert Henry (1852-1928), 1st Earl of Oxford and Asquith, Prime Minister (Onderwerp)
- Carter, Sir Maurice Bonham (1880-1960), knight, politician and civil servant (Onderwerp)
- Carter, Helen Violet Bonham (1887-1969), Baroness Asquith of Yarnbury, politician (Onderwerp)
- Henley, Sylvia Laura (1882-1980), wife of Anthony Morton Henley (Onderwerp)
- Henley, Anthony Morton (1873-1925), army officer (Onderwerp)
- Birrell, Augustine (1850-1933), politician and author (Onderwerp)
- Horner, Edward William (1888-1917), soldier (Onderwerp)