Pièce 8a - Letter from E. K. Chambers to R. B. McKerrow

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Letter from E. K. Chambers to R. B. McKerrow


  • 1 Jan. 1924 (Production)

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Board of Education.—Encloses letters from some of those invited to join the advisory panel, and suggests an alteration to the prospectus.



Board of Education
1 Jan. 1924

Dear McKerrow,

Elton, Chapman, and Miss Morley agree to join our panel. I think you had better file and keep the letters I enclose. We are asking Gordon; are we not?

Elton’s letter partly concerns other matters, but he says

“I shall be happy to join your panel and do what I can, but could not write much, being deeply booked for some time ahead. The Review is much wanted and the idea excellent.”

I also send Bradley’s letter. Perhaps we can turn the wording of the Prospectus, when we print it off, so as to leave room for the names of those in like case. From Miss Spurgeon I have not heard yet.

Yrs sincerely
E. K. Chambers


This letter was accompanied by letters to Chambers from Edith J. Morley, R. W. Chapman, George S. Gordon, and A. C. Bradley (MCKW A3/8b–f).

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