MacCarthy, Mary Josepha (1882-1953) Lady MacCarthy, writer, known as Molly


Soort entiteit


Geauthoriseerde naam

MacCarthy, Mary Josepha (1882-1953) Lady MacCarthy, writer, known as Molly

Parallelle vormen van de naam

    Gestandaardiseerde naamvorm(en) volgens andere regels.

      Aandere naamsvormen

      • Cornish, Mary Josepha Warre- (maiden name)
      • Cornish, Molly Warre- (nickname)
      • MacCarthy, Molly (nickname)

      Identificatiecode voor organisaties







      Functies, beroepen en activiteiten

      Mandaat/bronnen van bevoegdheid

      Interne structuren / genealogie

      Algemene context


      Related entity

      MacCarthy, Dermod de la Chevallerie (1911-1986), paediatrician (1911-1986)

      Identifier of related entity

      Soort relatie


      Type of relationship

      MacCarthy, Dermod de la Chevallerie (1911-1986), paediatrician is the child of MacCarthy, Mary Josepha (1882-1953) Lady MacCarthy, writer, known as Molly

      Datering van de relatie

      Beschrijving van de relatie

      Related entity

      Cecil, Rachel (1909-1982), wife of Lord David Cecil (1909-1982)

      Identifier of related entity

      Soort relatie


      Type of relationship

      Cecil, Rachel (1909-1982), wife of Lord David Cecil is the child of MacCarthy, Mary Josepha (1882-1953) Lady MacCarthy, writer, known as Molly

      Datering van de relatie

      Beschrijving van de relatie

      Related entity

      Cornish, Blanche Warre (1844-1922), writer and conversationalist (1844-1922)

      Identifier of related entity

      Soort relatie


      Type of relationship

      Cornish, Blanche Warre (1844-1922), writer and conversationalist is the parent of MacCarthy, Mary Josepha (1882-1953) Lady MacCarthy, writer, known as Molly

      Datering van de relatie

      Beschrijving van de relatie

      Related entity

      Cornish, Francis Warre Warre (1839-1916), schoolmaster and author (1839-1916)

      Identifier of related entity

      Soort relatie


      Type of relationship

      Cornish, Francis Warre Warre (1839-1916), schoolmaster and author is the parent of MacCarthy, Mary Josepha (1882-1953) Lady MacCarthy, writer, known as Molly

      Datering van de relatie

      Beschrijving van de relatie

      Related entity

      Cornish, Francis Thackeray Warre (1871-1901) army officer (1871-1901)

      Identifier of related entity

      Soort relatie


      Type of relationship

      Cornish, Francis Thackeray Warre (1871-1901) army officer is the sibling of MacCarthy, Mary Josepha (1882-1953) Lady MacCarthy, writer, known as Molly

      Datering van de relatie

      Beschrijving van de relatie

      Related entity

      Balfour, Charlotte Emily (1878-1937) (1878-1937)

      Identifier of related entity

      Soort relatie


      Type of relationship

      Balfour, Charlotte Emily (1878-1937) is the sibling of MacCarthy, Mary Josepha (1882-1953) Lady MacCarthy, writer, known as Molly

      Datering van de relatie

      Beschrijving van de relatie

      Related entity

      Cornish, William Hubert Warre (1872-1934) civil servant (1872-1934)

      Identifier of related entity

      Soort relatie


      Type of relationship

      Cornish, William Hubert Warre (1872-1934) civil servant is the sibling of MacCarthy, Mary Josepha (1882-1953) Lady MacCarthy, writer, known as Molly

      Datering van de relatie

      Beschrijving van de relatie

      Related entity

      Cornish, Margaret Blanche (1867-1937), daughter of Francis Warre Cornish (1867-1937)

      Identifier of related entity

      Soort relatie


      Type of relationship

      Cornish, Margaret Blanche (1867-1937), daughter of Francis Warre Cornish is the sibling of MacCarthy, Mary Josepha (1882-1953) Lady MacCarthy, writer, known as Molly

      Datering van de relatie

      Beschrijving van de relatie

      Related entity

      Cornish, Gerald Warre (1875-1916) minister and schoolteacher (1875-1916)

      Identifier of related entity

      Soort relatie


      Type of relationship

      Cornish, Gerald Warre (1875-1916) minister and schoolteacher is the sibling of MacCarthy, Mary Josepha (1882-1953) Lady MacCarthy, writer, known as Molly

      Datering van de relatie

      Beschrijving van de relatie

      Related entity

      MacCarthy, Sir Charles Otto Desmond (1877-1952), knight, literary reviewer and drama critic (1877-1952)

      Identifier of related entity

      Soort relatie


      Type of relationship

      MacCarthy, Sir Charles Otto Desmond (1877-1952), knight, literary reviewer and drama critic is the spouse of MacCarthy, Mary Josepha (1882-1953) Lady MacCarthy, writer, known as Molly

      Datering van de relatie

      1906 - 1952

      Beschrijving van de relatie

      Access points area

      Onderwerp trefwoord

      Geografische trefwoorden



      Authority record identifier

      Identificatiecode van de instelling

      Toegepaste regels en/of conventies


      Niveau van detaillering

      Datering van aanmaak, herziening of verwijdering

      Taal (talen)


