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- 3 Feb. 1477 (Vervaardig)
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Note of a fine between (A) John Hastynggis, son of Edward Hastynggis, knight, John Heydon, Richard Suthwell, Henry Spelman, and William Stather, clerk, plaintiffs, and (B) Roger Drury, esquire, and his wife Anne, deforciants, of the manors of Yaxham, ‘Cursones’, ‘Gerbrigges’, ‘Reppes’, and ‘Ilneys’, in Yaxham, East Dereham, Westfield, Whinburgh, Garveston, and Mattishall, and three tofts, 100a. of (arable) land, 10a. of meadow, 15a. of pasture, 5a. of wood, and 11s. of rent in Yaxham, all in Norfolk.
(The correct term for this document is uncertain, but Halliwell-Phillipps uses the term ‘note of a fine’ to describe two similar documents in Outlines of the Life of Shakespeare, 10th ed. (1898), ii. 11, 25; and ‘The note of the fine, or, abstract of the original contract’ is the fourth of the five parts of a fine enumerated by Jacob in his New Law Dictionary (1772), sig. 5C3.)
Inter Iohannem Hastynggis filium et heredem Edwardi Hastynggis Militis Iohannem Heydon’ Ricardum Suthwell’ Henricum Spelman’ et Willelmum Stather Clericum querentes et Rogerum Drury Armigerum et Annam vxorem eius deforciantes de Maneriis de Yaxham Cursones Gerbrigges Reppes et Ilneys cum pertinencijs in Yaxham Estderham Westfeld’ Whynbergh’ Gerston’ et Mateshale ac de tribus toftis Centum acris terre decem acris prati quindecim acris pasture quinque acris bosci et vndecim solidatis redditus cum pertinencijs in Yaxham vnde placitum conuencionis summonitus fuit inter eos et cetera Scilicet quod predicti Rogerus et Anna recognouerunt predicta Maneria et tenementa cum pertinencijs esse jus ipsius Willelmi vt illa que ijdem Willelmus Iohannes Iohannes Ricardus et Henricus habent de dono predictorum Rogeri et Anne Et illa remiserunt et quietumclamauerunt de ipsis Rogero et Anna et heredibus ipsius Anne predictis Iohanni Iohanni Ricardo Henrico et Willelmo et heredibus ipsius Willelmi imperpetuum Et preterea ijdem Rogerus et Anna concesserunt pro se et heredes ipsius Anne quod ipsi warantizabunt predictis Iohanni Iohanni Ricardo Henrico et Willelmo et heredibus ipsius Willelmi predicta Maneria et tenementa cum pertinencijs contra omnes homines imperpetuum Et pro hac recognitione remissione quietaclamancia warantia fine et concordia ijdem Iohannes Iohannes Ricardus Henricus et Willelmus dederunt predictis Rogero et Anne ducentas marcas Argenti
[In the margin:] Norff’
De Crastino purificationis beate Marie Anno regnorum Edwardi Regis Anglie et Francie quarti A conquestu sextodecimo {1} [braced to] Ingr’
Dies datus est eis de Capiendo cyrographo suo A die pasche in xv dies Anno xvijmo {2}
The original capitalisation has been retained. Most abbreviations have been expanded.
{1} 3 Feb. 1477.
{2} 20 Apr. 1477.
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This description was created by A. C. Green in 2021.