Stuk 208-232 - Mordell, L. J.


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Mordell, L. J.


  • 1927–68 (Vervaardig)



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The later correspondence (from about 1944, when Christian names began to be used) provides interesting general information on the mathematical scene as well as continuing exchanges on research problems and papers. There are also occasional contributions from Mabel Mordell.

G.208: 1927-29. 1927 (re award of Derby Scholarship to assist Davenport at Trinity), 1929 (suggestions for reading and research; Mordell sent his draft papers to the young Davenport for comment).
G.209: 1930. Letter of 27 November suggests Davenport should take up the 'splendid opportunity' to go to Marburg to work with and teach English to Hasse.
G.210: 1931. Research and publications, mainly on congruences.
G.211: 1932-33
G.212: 1934-35
G.213: 1936, 1938, 1939
G.214 :1942, 1943, 1944
G.215: 1945-46
G.216: 1947-48. 1947 includes comments on Bibliog. 56
G.217: 1949 (not all dated). Some refer to death and obituaries of G.H. Hardy.
G.218: 1950
G.219: 1951
G.220: 1952
G.221: 1953
G.222: 1954
G.223: 1955
G.224: 1956
G.225: 1957
G.226: 1958
G.227: 1959
G.228: 1960-61. 1961 includes draft paper by Mordell 'On a Pellian Equation Conjecture', and a 2pp. untitled ms. note by Davenport.
G.229: 1962
G.230: 1963-64. Includes draft paper by Mordell
G.231: 1965
G.232: 1967-68

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