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- post 1950 (Vervaardig)
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Contains notes from Carnitt An ambiguity of the word Good, Pritchard The Meaning of acahom in Aristotle's Ethics, Campbell Prologmena to a Theory of the Moral Criterion, Whiteley Goodness of Motive, Duncher Ethical Relativity ?, Ewing Non-naturalistic Analysis of Good, Mabbott Punishment, Leon Rightness of Goodness, Field Kant's First Moral Principle, Prichard-Cambridge The Problem of Duty, Laird Concerning Right, Lamont The Notion of Duty, Hughes Motive and Duty, Falk Obligation and Rightness, Taylor The Freedom of Man, Stevenson Ethics and Language, Prior Logic and the Basis of Ethics, Prichard Moral Obligation, Hare Imperative Sentences, Peters Hare on Imperative Sentenses, Hagerstrom on Intention Command and Duty, von Wright on Deontic Logic, Toulmin Reason in Ethics, von Wright Essay in Deontic Logic abd General Theory of Action
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Naam ontsluitingsterm
- Pritchard, Harold Arthur (1871-1947), philosopher (Onderwerp)
- Aristotle (384-322 BC) philosopher (Onderwerp)
- Whiteley, Charles Henry (1911-1998), philosopher (Onderwerp)
- Mabbott, John David (1898-1988) philosopher (Onderwerp)
- Wright, Georg Henrik von (1916-2002), philosopher (Onderwerp)