Papers of Otto Frisch

Inventory list
Identifier Sort ascending Title Level of description Date Digital object
65 Notes for Frisch's lecture on experimental nuclear physics: 'Exp. N. Ph. (Copenhagen July 9 1963)' File 9 July 1963
67 Text of Frisch's lecture on experimental nuclear physics Item July 1963
73 'Can quantum mechanical description of physical reality be considered complete?' by N. Bohr Item
76 Review by Frisch of two books about Bohr Item
78 Programme, information, list of references for R. E. Peierls lecture on 'The development of our ideas on nuclear forces' Item 18-21 May 1977
82 List of possible topics and speakers Item 18-21 May 1977
3 'Eine neue Komponente der Kosmischen Strahlung' Item 1947
7 'Counting of nuclear fragments: the primary detectors' Item 1948
8 'The cyclotron and its limitations' Item 1949-1950
12 Untitled heavily corrected draft Item c 1953
15 'The stolen submarine' Item c 1955
16 'La radioactivité artificielle et la physique' File 1954
17 Untitled lecture on hydrogen bomb File 1954–1956
21 'On energy selection with Cherenkov counters' Item June 1956
25 'Fluctuations in chain processes' File 1958–1959
30 'Fundamental physics of the atom' File c 1962
32 'Radiation and matter' File Aug. 1961
35 'Symmetry' File c 1965
37 'Guest leader' article on value of particle physics research File 1965
39 'The interest is focussing on the atomic nucleus' File 1967
40 'Fission - how it all began' File 1967, 1974
41 'Rutherford' File 1971
42 'Electroscope to atomic power' File 1971
48 'The importance of technology for the growth of physics' and 'Words' File 1977
52 'A crazy function' File 1979
65 The nature of matter: correspondence with publishers Thames and Hudson Ltd. File 1967–1978
67 'Manual of radioactivity' File c 1946
71 'Elementary atomics' File c 1950s
75 Short unidentified and undated drafts for books File n.d.
77-78 Obituaries and biographical writings: N. Bohr File 1937-1967