Papers of Otto Frisch

Inventory list
Identifier Sort ascending Title Level of description Date Digital object
102 Rabel, G. and others File 1948–1966
104 Rainer - Raven File 1939–1974
105 Rehder - Riley File c 1946–1979
109 Rona - Rosbaud File 1935–1963
111 Rossi, B. File [1948?]
114 Rozental - Scherrer File 1949–1979
118 Simon - Simons File 1946–1962
120 Smith - Snow File 1949–1964
123 Stern, O. File 1934-1965
126 Taylor, G. I. File 1952, 1970
133 Vellacott - Volkmann File 1947–1979
134 Walgate - Warhanek File 1954–1974
137 Weisskopf, V. and Weisskopf, E. File 1939–1952
2 Invention for protective glasses File 1924
4 Black hard-covered looseleaf notebook Item 1929–1931
30 Notebook Item 1933
33-37 'Dellen' folder File 1931-1933
38 Letters from C. Müller Item 1932
39-42 'R. Frisch Eigene Briefe bis Oct. 1933' folder Item 1930-1933
44 Black soft-covered notebook of notes and calculations Item 1934–1935
45 Notebook Item 1936
47 'Badewanne, H.4' notebook Item 1937
49 Patent, 'Verfahren zur Herstellung von Polonium' Item 1934–1935
52-55 'Berechnungen bis 1938' File 1932-1937, n.d.
58 Untitled folder of notes, calculations, figures Item 1936, n.d
60 'Kurven, Diagramme, Tabellen' folder Item n.d
66-70 Untitled folder of notes and drafts File 1937-1944
72 Draft of 'Width of Neutron Capture Levels', and 'Energy Distribution of Uranium Fission Fragments', File n.d
76 Outgoing correspondence File 1935
77 Outgoing correspondence File 1936