Papers of Otto Frisch

Inventory list
Identifier Sort ascending Title Level of description Date Digital object
81 Obituaries and biographical writings: J.D. Cockcroft File 1967
83 Obituaries and biographical writings: E. Fermi File 1955
86 Obituaries and biographical writings: J. E. Littlewood File n.d.
92 Requests for lectures and papers File 1956–1959
98 Requests for lectures and papers File 1975
100 Requests for lectures and papers File 1977–1978
109 Correspondence with publishers and editors: André Deutsch File 1977–1978
110 Correspondence with publishers and editors: Discovery File 1948–1963
112 Correspondence with publishers and editors: A. W. Haslett File 1952–1962
113 Correspondence with publishers and editors: W. Heinemann Limited File 1961–1962
114 Correspondence with publishers and editors: A. Hildesheimer File 1953–1954
126 Correspondence with publishers and editors: Physics Bulletin File 1959–1974
127 Correspondence with publishers and editors: Salvat Editores File 1975
129 Correspondence with publishers and editors: Charles Scribners' Sons File 1969–1976
130 Correspondence with publishers and editors: T - U File 1949–1973
133 Correspondence with publishers and editors: miscellaneous File
134 Biographical articles and obituary notices of scientists File n.d.
135 Early reprints on nuclear research File n.d.
63 Working with atoms: royalty statements and proof copy of book File 1962–1976
66 The nature of matter: royalty statements, correspondence, review File 1967–1978
141 'The process of space quantization' by Frisch, T. E. Phipps, E. Segré and O. Stern Item Aug. 1932
144-145 'Atomic weapons', the second of six university extension lectures on Atomic Energy Item 27 Jan. 1954
151 'Über Resonanzniveaus für Neutronenabsorption', by H. von Halban Jr and Peter Preiswerk Item 8 May 1936
155 Address probably delivered at the 'Gedenkfeier' for Max Planck, Göttingen, with accompanying materials File 1947-1948
157 Professor James Franck's contribution to the "Festschrift" honoring the 75th birthday of Professor Albert Einstein File 4 Mar. 1954
161 'James Franck (1882-1964)' by L. Meitner. Drafts Item
162 'James Franck (1882-1964)' by L. Meitner. Correspondence and notes Item May-July 1964
164 'Width and stage of neutron capture levels' Item n.d.
165 Untitled draft relating to a photographic invention Item n.d.
146 Letters of thanks for talks by Frisch Item 1955, n.d.