Papers of Sir Walter Greg (W. W. Greg)

Inventory list
Identifier Sort ascending Title Level of description Date Digital object
118 Notes by W. W. Greg on the printing of the First Quarto of King Lear, c. 1940, written on part of a draft of The Editorial Problem in Shakespeare, c. 1939 Item 1938 x 1950
128 Transcript of a passage from Alfred Harbage’s Cavalier Drama (1936), written on a description of a manuscript of The Governor, by Sir Cornelius Formido, both in the hand of W. W. Greg Item c. 1936
133 Cutting from the Review of English Studies, containing a letter from W. W. Greg headed ‘The Editorial Problem in Shakespeare’ Item Apr. 1944
134 Cutting from a journal, containing a review of Greg’s 'reconstruction' of Marlowe’s Doctor Faustus Item 1950
140 Cutting from The Times, containing a letter from Alfred W. Pollard headed ‘Shakespeare Folios and Quartos’ Item c. 1910
76 Letter from Eleanore Boswell Murrie to Sir Walter Greg Item 3 Mar. 1952
79 Postcard from Victor Scholderer to W. W. Greg Item 26 Mar. 1940
83 Letter from Percy Simpson to Sir Walter Greg Item 11 Feb. 1952
84 Letter from Kenneth Sisam to W. W. Greg Item 11 Jan. 1926
88 Letter from Kenneth Sisam to W. W. Greg Item 15 June 1942
91 Letter from D. Nichol Smith to W. W. Greg Item 19 Aug. 1923
98 Letter from A. W. Verrall to W. W. Greg Item 15 June 1906
102 Letter from William Wells to W. W. Greg Item 11 Mar. 1940
113 Letter from W. Aldis Wright to W. W. Greg Item 22 Jan. 1904
114 Letter from Muriel St Clare Byrne to Sir Walter Greg Item 16 Feb. 1952
116 List of books on shorthand, in the hand of W. W. Greg Item 1942 x 1959
120 Note by C. F. Tucker Brooke on copies of the 1619 quarto of Doctor Faustus Item mid. 20th c.
122 List in the hand of D. Nichol Smith, comparing readings in the Folio version of King Lear with those in Rowe’s edition, annotated by W. W. Greg Item c. 1941
123 Notes on entries in the Stationers’ Register, by W. W. Greg Item mid 20th c.
126 Notes by W. W. Greg on religious belief Item 20th c.
136 Cutting from the Times Literary Supplement, containing a review of Greg’s edition of Respublica Item 14 Mar. 1953
141 Cutting from The Times, containing three photographs of the Chancellor’s procession, etc., after the opening of the University Library Item 23 Oct. 1934
142 Cutting from the Times Literary Supplement, containing a review of the Shakespeare Association facsimile of the Pied Bull quarto of King Lear Item 2 Dec. 1939
150 Cuttings from the Huntington Library Quarterly, containing a specimen bi-ography of Sir John Beaumont from an article by Mark Eccles entitled ‘A Biographical Dictionary of Elizabethan Authors’ Item Apr. 1942
162 Negative photostat of the dedicatory verses by B. J. in an edition of Shakespeare’s Comedies, Histories, and Tragedies, from a copy in the Bodleian Library Item c. 1909?
173 Photostat of the title-page of Ben Jonson’s translation of Horace’s Art of Poetry (1648), from a copy in Cambridge University Library Item c. 1952
180 Cutting from the Modern Language Quarterly, containing ‘Notes on “Queen Hester” by G. C. Moore Smith Item Dec. 1904
181 Leaves from The Periodical, containing an account of the work of the Early English Text Society Item c. 1953
184 Leaves from the Papers of the Bibliographical Society of America, containing a review by Karl J. Holzknecht of Greg’s Bibliography of the English Printed Drama, vol. ii Item Fourth Quarter, 1951
185 Leaves from The Academy, containing an article by Alfred W. Pollard for the column 'A Literary Causerie', entitled ‘Shakespeare in the Remainder Market’ Item 2 June 1906