Personal and biographical material

Inventory list
Identifier Sort ascending Title Level of description Date Digital object
107 Letters from Albert Pryer to D H Robertson with a newscutting on AP's family connections with postal services and a note by D H Robertson Item 1928–61
109 Lertters from Anthony Quayle to D H Robertson Item 1932–49
111 Letter from Gwen Raverat to D H Robertson Item 7 Jan 1953
119 Letters from Stephen Runciman to D H Robertson File [1935], 53
120 Letter from George "Dadie" Rylands to D H Robertson Item 1960, 61
122 Letters from John Seely to D H Robertson File 1934, 47
123 Letter from Charles Siepmann to D H Robertson Item 1933
125 Letter from Edward Spencer to D H Robertson Item [1928]
129 Letters from George Thomson to D H Robertson Item 1929–41
131 Letter from Humphrey Towson to D H Robertson Item 19 Dec 1915
8 Correspondence with the Royal Family Series 1919–1958
9 Photographs Series 1902-1961
9 Photograph of D H Robertson on receiving the degree of DLES from Sheffield University Item 1961
10 Family papers Series 1920-1965
3 Copy will of D H Robertson Item 1961
1 Correspondence between D H Robertson and his mother and father File 1894–1906
6 Letter of Randle F W Holme to D H Robertson with an obituary File 3 Apr 1905
8 Letters from H F Wilson to D H Robertson with an obituary of HFW File 1908–37
9 Letters from Elise H Holme to D H Robertson File 1909–14
17 Letters from Ethel Sidgwick to D H Robertson File 1919–59
20 Margie [ ] to D H Robertson Item 27 Dec 1937
1 Dennis Robertson's report for classics Item Mich 1902
3 Note by D H Robertson enclosing A2/4-5 Item 1954
3 Race Card for the Decemviri horse race Item Nov 1910
5 Asian Tour 1926-27 Series 1926–1927
1 "Abortive" diary of D H Robertson's trip to Asia Item 1926–27
5 Timetable for the Trans-Siberian Express Item [1926]
6 Letters from "Some special friends" each accompanied by brief biographical notes by Robertson Series c1903–1963
5 Letters from George Rylands File 1951–57
2 Letter from David [ ] to D H Robertson Item 26 Dec 1962