Publications, reviews, broadcasts and lectures

Inventory list
Identifier Sort ascending Title Level of description Date Digital object
197 Manuscript and typescript of 'The Centenary of Capital and its relevance today': lecture to the Marx Capital centenary celebration and to Hants and Dorset CP File 1967
198 Manuscript and typescript of 'Marx's Theory of Capitalism: a Centenary Review', given at Florence File 1967
203 Manuscript and typescript of 'Karl Marx as an Economist', given at the University of Leeds, with a letter File 17 Feb 1968
204 Manuscript and typescript of 'Discount-Rate for Dated Labour and Choice of Methods of Production in a Socialist Economy', given at the University of Glasgow: File 29 Nov 1968
209 MAnuscript and typescript of 'A Note on Theories of Development and Underdevelopment', written for the "Bombay Symposium" File 1969
219 Manuscript and typescript of 'The Centralised System of the USSR', given to students of Charles Feinstein at Cambridge File 1970
230 Manuscript and typescript of 'Ricardo and Economic Policy', given at the AGM of the Royal Economic Society File 6 Jul 1972
231 Manuscript and typescript of 'Ideology and Economic Theory in the Nineteenth Century', The Marshall Lectures, with correspondence File Jan-Feb 1973
232 Manuscript pof 'Socialist Economy', given to the Communist University of London File July 1973
2 Typescript of "Marx and Engels" with J G Crowther File n.d.
4 Manuscript of 'Marxism: Mumbo-Jumbo or Science', review of a book by M Eastman File Mar 1927
5 Photocopy of extracts from 'An Introduction to Economics' File 1932
7 'Det Engelske Arbejerpartis Udvikling Og Politik' File 1935
10 Typescripts of entries on the USSR for the Encyclopaedia Britannica Yearbook File 1941–43
11 Offprint of 'Eisagoge Sten Oikonomike Theoria' File 1946
14 Offprint of a review of' Man and Plan in Soviet Economy' by Andrew Rothstein File 1949
18 Photocopy of 'The International Economic Conference' File Jun 1952
21 Manuscript and typescript 'A Note on the Transformation Problem', written in Jan 1948 and later published in On Economic Theory and Socialism File 1948-1955
23 Manuscript of 'Economic Theory in Britain and America: a Survey of Some Recent Trends' File 1955
26 Photocopy of 'Review of International Economic Papers No 4' File 1955
31 Offprint of 'The Role of Stalin' File post 1956
32 Manuscript and typescript of 'Some Second Thoughts on Capital-Intensity of Investment' File 1957
34 Photocopy of 'Changes in Capitalism since the Second World War' File 1957
36 Offprint and photocopy of 'Two Modern Theories of Wages' File 1958
39 Offprint of 'What is Capitalism' File post 1958
40 'Marxism and Social "Laws"' File c1959
45 Photocopy of a review of 'Bilan de Vingt-cinq ans de plans quinquennaux' by Lucien Laurat File 1959
46 Offprint of a review of 'European Socialism: a History of Ideas and Movements from the Industrial Revolution to Hitler's Seizure of Power' by Carl A Landauer File c1959
48 Photocopy of 'The 1957-8 Economic Crisis' File Oct 1959
51 Photocopy of 'On Technical Progress and Price Movements' File Mar 1960