Publications, reviews, broadcasts and lectures

Inventory list
Identifier Sort ascending Title Level of description Date Digital object
74 Manuscript of 'Position of Post war Capitalism', given at Bexhill File Aug 1938
86 Manuscript of 'War Economy' File 1940–42
88 Manuscript and typescript of 'Study of History', given to a conference of the NUS File 2 Aug 1941
92 Manuscript of 'Social Theories', given to a joint meeting of the USC and Labour Club, Cambridge File 29 Jan 1942
95 Manuscript of 'Lecture on USSR', given to the Cambridge STC - BCA course File 1943
104 Manuscript of 'Capitalism' File ?1947–48
107 'The USSR and the World', given to the Cambridge branch of the WEA File 13 May 1947
109 Manuscript of 'Economic Trends in USSR', given at the Imperial Defence College File 13 Jun 1947
114 Manuscript of 'On Soviet Foreign Policy', given to the National Peace Council File 27 Nov 1947
115 Manuscript and programme for 'Wage-Policy', given to a trade union school at Oxford File 4 Apr 1948
117 Manuscript of 'Economic Planning and policy in USSR", given at the Centre for Courses in International Affairs, University of London File 1948
125 Manuscript and typescript of 'On Dobb and Kosminsky', given to Postan's seminar for economic historians File 2 Mar 1949
128 Manuscript of 'Russia's economic Resources: Their Distribution and Development', given to the Cambridge Geographical Society File 26 Oct 1949
139 Manuscript of 'Soviet Planning in Relation to (a) The Consumer, (b) Trade Union Bargaining and Participation', given to a Cambridge WEA Summer School File 30 Jul 1951
145 Manuscripts of lectures on classical economists given at the Cambridge Faculty of Economics and Politics: File mid 1950s-1967
146 Manuscript of 'Sixth Five-Year Plan' File c1956–57
150 Manuscript of 'Theories of Growth', given in Belgrade File 28 Mar 1958
151 Manuscript of 'The Law of Value and Pricing-Policy under Socialism', given at the University of Belgrade: File 31 Mar 1958
152 Manuscript of 'Capitalism: Yesterday and To-day' File post 5 Dec 1958
154 Manuscript of 'Economics of Pre- and Monopoly Capitalism' File 1959
160 Manuscript of 'Was the Soviet Method of Industrialisation really so contrary to Economic Principles', lecture for a seminar of Prof A Nove at the LSE, with a letter File Mar 1960
163 Manuscript lecture notes on welfare economics discarded in 1961 File pre 1961
167 Manuscript "Notes for Kuusinen" [on the transition from feudalism to capitalism] File Oct 1961
175 Typescript of 'Economic Growth and Planning in a Socialist Economy', given to the Economics Society, Southampton: File 13 Dec 1962
180 Manuscript and typescript of 'Modern Theories of Economic Growth', given at the University of Barcelona, with correspondence File 22 Mar 1963
181 Manuscript of 'The Relevance of Marxism: Economics": given in Margate File 27 Apr 1963
187 Manuscript and typescript of 'On Wages and Income Policy', notes for the Economic Committee of the CPGB, London File ?late 1964–65
189 Manuscript of 'Some Reflections on the Stoleru Theorem: the Soviet Pre-War growth Pattern'; given to A Zauberman's seminar at the LSE File 28 Feb 1966
192 Manuscript and typescript of 'Some Remarks on economic Changes in Socialism since the Second World War', given at Moscow University File Sep 1966
193 Typescript of 'Some Recent Topics of Discussion in Bourgeois Economic Theory', given to GOSPLAN Research Institute, Moscow:, with programme File 26 Sep 1966