Publications, reviews, broadcasts and lectures

Inventory list
Identifier Sort ascending Title Level of description Date Digital object
16 Photocopy of 'The Pound Sterling' File Nov 1949
19 Manuscript of 'Capital Accumulation: A Note in Reply to Professor Hideichi Horie' File 1953
20 Manuscript and typecript of the Introduction to the Italian edition of 'Theorien uber den Mehrwert' File c1953–54
22 Manuscript of 'Recent Trends in Economic Theory in Britain and America' File 1955
24 Photocopy of 'Four-and-a-Half Per Cent. a Note on the Rise in Bank Rate' with notes not in MHD's hand File Apr 1955
30 Manuscript and typescript of 'Some Comments on the Role of the Law of Value and Reform of the Price System' File Oct 1956
38 Offprint of 'Economic Changes in Soviet Union' File Nov 1958
42 Proofs of 'The Economic Crisis of 1957-58' File 1959
43 Manuscript of a contribution to 'Has Capitalism Changed ? An International Symposium' File 1959
47 Photocopy of 'Capitalism: How and When did it Begin File Jul/Aug 1959
56 Photocopy of 'Some Theoretical Problems in Planning Economic Development' File Feb 1961
61 Manuscript and typescript of addenda to the seventh edition of 'Studies in the Development of Capitalism', with related correspondence File Aug-Oct 1962
63 Offprint of a review of 'Theories of Economic Growth and Development' by T Adelman File Jun 1963
67 Offprint of a review of 'Economic Competition Between Capitalism and Socialism' File Nov 1963
78 Manuscript and typescript of an introduction to the Italian edition of 'Das Kapital' File 1964
89 Manuscript and typescript of 'The Question of 'Investment-Priority for Heavy Industry' Ch 4 of 'Papers on Capitalism, Development and Planning' File 1967
91 Manuscript, typescript and correspondence relating to 'The October Revolution and its Contemporary Relevance' File Jun-Jul 1967
93 Offprint of 'Einige Bemerkungen uber Ricardo und sein Denken' File 1969
99a Offprint of a review of 'Europe in the Russian Mirror. Four Lectures in Economic History' by Alexander Gershenkron File Oct 1971
105 Manuscript, typescript of the preface to the Italian edition of 'The Wealth of Nations' with related correspondence File 1973
109 Manuscript of 'An Explanatory Note', comment on a review by G C Harcourt of 'Theories of Value' with correspondence. File 1975
111 Manuscript and typescript of 'The "Crisis" in Economic Theory: Some Random Comments on the Debate' File [1975/76]
115 Manuscript and typescript of 'Social Systems' with correspondence f File 1976
116 Manuscript and typescript of 'Value' File 1976
25 Notes on Workers' Control in Yugoslavia by F Singleton and A Topham File c1963
5 Review by J Tinbergen of 'Economy and Economics of the East European Countries: Development and Applicability' published in 'Soviet Studies' File Jan 1962
7 Review by [ ], possibly of 'Welfare Economics and the Economics of Socialism. Towards a Commonsense Critique', published in 'Tosho Simbun' File [1969]
4 TYpescript of 'Questions of the Day: What is Syndicalism? & What are the Arguments For and Against Free Trade' File ?early 1920s
5 Typescript and manuscript of 'The Transition to Socialism, Theory and Practice: The Soviet Discussion after 1918' File c1964
1 Manuscript of 'Reply to Mr Pickthorne on Russia' for the BBC File ?1920s