Publications, reviews, broadcasts and lectures

Inventory list
Identifier Sort ascending Title Level of description Date Digital object
87 Manuscript of 'A Review of the Discussion about the Economics of a Socialist Economy', given to the PPE Society, University of Oxford File 12 Feb 1940
90 Manuscript of 'Soviet Planning and Financial Mechanisms', lecture to a Military Intelligence Course, Cambridge File 12 Sep 1941
96 Manuscript of 'Marx as Economist', given at Marx House File 11 Mar 1943
99 Manuscript of 'Industry in the USSR', given at a course for Senior Officers at Cambridge File 8 Jan 1944
100 Manuscript of 'The system of Economic Planning in USSR', given to the Cambridge University Society for International Affairs File 6 Nov 1945
102 Manuscript of 'Who Was Marx ?', given at Letchworth File 18 Oct 1946
105 Manuscript of 'Soviet Planning System"\' given to the Economics Society, LSE File 22 Jan 1947
106 Manuscript of 'Capitalism', given to Personnel Managers of Industrial Relations Services Ltd. File 16 Apr 1947
111 Manuscript and typescript of 'The Influence of Marxism on English Thought', given in Prague and Poland File Sep-Nov 1947 View
118 MAnuscript of 'An Economists Impressions of Czechoslovakia and Poland', given to the Cambridge University Labour and Socialists Clubs File 27 Feb 1948
123 Manuscript of 'Marxism' File post 1948
124 Manuscript of 'On Soviet Economic Development, 1917-49' File c1949–50
127 Manuscript of 'A Critical Review of Recent Tendencies in Bourgeois Economic Thought', given at Budapest File ?30 Sep 1949
132 Manuscript of 'Plans in Eastern Europe', given at Beatrice Webb House, London File 30 Sep 1950
134 Manuscript of 'USSR and Post War Reconstruction' File ?1951
135 Manuscripts of lectures on classical economists, given at Delhi and elsewhere, with correspondence File 1951
138 Manuscript of 'The Soviet Economic System', given to a Cambridge WEA Summer School File 29 Jul 1951
141 Manuscript of a report on the Moscow Economic Conference: File ?1952
144 Manuscript of 'Soviet Economic Growth, 1928-50' File ?1954
147 Manuscript of 'Economic Problems of Socialism', given to ?CPGB: ms File c1957
149 Manuscript of 'On Soviet Planning and Centralisation' File c1957–58
162 Manuscript and typescript of 'Operational Aspects of Soviet Economy' given at the Norwegian Institute of International Affairs, Oslo, with list of those attending File 7 Oct 1960
164 Manuscript of a lecture on USSR given in Cambridge: File 1961
165 Manuscript of 'Capitalism', given to Cambridge University Communist Party File c1961–62
166 Manuscript and typescript of 'Planning and the Theory of Economic Growth' two lectures given at Urbino, Italy, later printed by ILSES File 22–23 Sep 1961
170 Manuscript and copy of 'On "Essay on Economic Growth and Planning'", given at the University of Warsaw File 13 Apr 1962
172 Typescript of 'Comment on a Discussion', comment on 'Problems on the Theory of Growth under Socialism' by Brus and Laski, given at IEA Conference in Vienna and later published in Problems in Economic Development Ed. EAG Robinson, with a copy of Problems on the Theory of Growth under Socialism: File 1962
173 Manuscript of 'Some Recent Topics of Discussion in Western Economic Theory', given to the Institute of Economics, Prague: File 28 Sep 1962
183a Manuscript of 'Post-War Capitalism' File c1964
199 Manuscript and typescript of 'Marx's Capital after 100 Years', chairman's address given to an International Discussion Conference organised by the Marx Memorial Library File 23 Sep 1967