Publications, reviews, broadcasts and lectures

Inventory list
Identifier Sort ascending Title Level of description Date Digital object
201 Manuscript of 'The Soviet Economic System', given to Natural Scientists at Cambridge File 13 Nov 1967
205 Manuscript of 'Recent Economic Changes in Socialist Countries', given at Portsmouth College of Technology File c1968–69
210 Manuscripts ant typescript of 'Some Reflections on the Sraffa System and the Critique of the so-called Neo-Classical theory of Value and Distribution': paper for the Conference of Socialist Economists: with notes by D M Nuti File 10 Jan 1969
214 Manuscript of 'The Soviet Economy', given to students of Charles Feinstein at Cambridge File Apr-May 1969
222 Manuscript and copy manuscript of 'Economics of Socialism', given at the Communist University of London, with correspondence letter File 17 Jul 1970
225 Manuscript of 'The Need for Economic Reform and Democratisation in Socialist Countries', given to the Cambridge and/or the University Branch of the CPGB: ms File c1971
226 Manuscript of a review of Foreign Trade in a Planned Economy by Professors Vajda and Sinai File c1971
12 Presscutting of a letter to 'The Times' on the Soviet Grain Area Item 25 May 1946
25 Offprint of 'Bedrohliche Krise der britischen Zahlungsbilanz' File 29 May 1955
33 Typescript of 'Income Distribution and the Production Function' [possibly not MHD's typescript] File 1957
35 Manuscript of the introduction to the German edition of 'On Economic Theory and Socialism' File 1958
37 Photocopy of 'World Without War' File Jun 1958
44 Manuscript of the draft preface to the Polish edition of 'On Economic Theory and Socialism' File 1959
50 Photocopy of 'Operational Aspects of the Soviet Economy' File 1960
52 Photocopy of 'A Footnote on Rostow' File Jul 1960
54 Proofs of 'Some Theoretical Problems in Planning Economic Development' File 1961
57 Typescript of 'A Comment on Mr Black concerning Capitalist and Socialist Investment Criteria' written for Oxford Economic Papers File 1961–62
58 Manuscript of 'A Clearer View of Growth' together with a letter File 6 May 1961
60 Photocopy of 'An Epoch-Making Book' a review of 'Production of Commodities by Means of Commodities' by Piero Sraffa File Oct 1961
66 Offprint of a review of 'Economic Co-operation between the USSR and Underdeveloped Countries' by V Rimalov File Nov 1963
69 Photocopy of a review of 'Economic Backwardness in Historical Perspective': A Book of Essays by A Gershenkron. File post 1963
71 Manuscript and typescript of a review of M Barratt Brown's 'After Imperialism' File 1964
72 Typescript of "Improvement to Translation of 'Essentials of Marxian Approach to Problems of Economic Development", by W Brus and K Laski File 1964
75 Manuscript and typescript of 'The Soviet Discussions of the 1920s about Building Socialism' File 1964
76 Manuscript and typescript of 'The Sino-Soviet Dispute' File 1964
77 Manuscript, typescript and correspondence relating to 'The Mechanism of Soviet Planning' File 1964
84 Manuscript, typescript and photocopy of 'Socialist Thought' File 1965
85 Photocopy of 'Nyakoi cherti na yevropeiska kapitalizm dnyoss' [ Some Features of European Capitalism Today] File 1965
86 Offprint of 'Economic Changes in the Socialist Countries' File Nov 1965
87 Photocopy of 'A gazdasagi novekedes modern elmeletei' File 1966