Zona de identificação
Código de referência
- 1946-1979 (Produção)
Nível de descrição
Dimensão e suporte
Zona do contexto
Nome do produtor
Entidade detentora
História do arquivo
Fonte imediata de aquisição ou transferência
Zona do conteúdo e estrutura
Âmbito e conteúdo
This series consists of drafts of scripts, correspondence, contracts and receipts related to Frisch's work in radio, television, and film.
As with the material in Series C, the talks, etc. for which scripts survive and which are listed at D.1-38 are only a small proportion of Frisch's contribution to radio; the folders of correspondence, contracts or receipts at D.39-43 give a fuller impression of his substantial contribution as a broadcaster.
D.1-43 consists of drafts of scripts and related correspondence for BBC Radio and is arranged chronologically, save for the shorter correspondence groups found at D.39-43. A related group may be found at D.61-62; these are part of the supplemental papers added to the papers after cataloguing by Ulla Frisch. The scripts and related correspondence at D.44-50 Television Companies (U.K.) and D.51-54 Radio and Television (Europe) are arranged alphabetically by company within each section. The correspondence and papers for the films at D.55-59 are arranged chronologically.