Zone d'identification
Add. MS a/213/84
Letter from Richard Sheepshanks
- 15 Oct [1827?] (Production)
Niveau de description
Étendue matérielle et support
3 pp.
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Histoire archivistique
Source immédiate d'acquisition ou de transfert
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RS plans to quit London tomorrow and intends to be in Cambridge on Wednesday. If the heads will allow RS 'to take charge of the observatory I can safely be responsible for the instruments and perhaps do something more'. He would like WW's and Adam Sedgwick's opinion on the best way of approaching the heads on this matter. RS is resting his eyes: 'I have put aside my calculations for a time in order to give my eyes a chance and I think with good effects' He fears he has been riding his pony 'brown Bess' too hard: 'I have changed her stables, got her a doctor and shall leave her in London till she is convalescent'.