Publications, lectures, and broadcasts

Inventory list
Identifier Sort ascending Title Level of description Date Digital object
140 Lectures: Invitation to lecture to Aberdeen University Chemologists' Club File 1953
154 Lectures: 'The non-protein nitrogen of plants', Department of Agricultural Botany, University of Reading File 1961-1962
156 Lectures: British Council course on ruminant metabolism, Aberdeen File 1962-1963
160 Lectures: 'Non-protein amino-acid compounds in leaves', National Institute for Research in Dairying, University of Reading File 1968-1969
161 Lectures: 'Proteins - nutritional potential and nutritional performance', Food Group, Society of Chemical Industry, Food Research Institute, Norwich File 1968-1969
163 Lectures: 'Polyphenol-protein reactions and their significance for agricultural practices', Department of Food Science, University of Leeds File 1979-1980
164-165 Lectures: 'The chemist's work and the literature of chemistry', annotated 'As given at Lindau Lecture 1980' File 1980
169 Lectures: 'History of the concept of energy' File n.d.
171 Lectures: Untitled draft in Italian Item n.d.
186 'Unpublished etc': Typescript and manuscript notes on anthocyanin pigments File 1930s?
192 'Unpublished etc': Manuscript list of chemicals, with prices from suppliers compared Item n.d.
196 Offprints of Synge's later publications Item 1969-1992
3 Drafts: ''The etherification of hydroxyamino-acid residues in silk fibroin by dimethyl sulphate' File 1943
8 Drafts: 'Qualitative analysis of proteins. A partition chromatographic method using paper' File c 1944
10 Drafts: 'Analytical chemistry of proteins' File 1946
12 Drafts: 'Synthesis of some dipeptides related to "gramicidin S"' File 1947
22 Drafts: Piece on M.S. Tsvet for World Student News File 1953
23 Drafts: Memorandum of Agreement between the Clarendon Press and R. L. M. Synge, A.T. Phillipson and S.R. Elsden for book on ruminant digestion, with plans for the book File 1952-1953
33 Drafts: 'Science for the good of your Soul' File 1963-1965
36 Drafts: 'Recent advances in electrophoretic techniques' File 1964-1966
41 Drafts: 'N-Carbamoyl-2-(p-hydroxyphenyl) glycine from leaves of broad bean (Vicia faba L.)' File 1970-1971
42 Drafts: Book review of Proteins as Human Food, ed. R.A. Lawrie, for Experimental Agriculture File 1970-1971
55 Drafts: 'Coupling of quinones with proteins and amino-acids' File [1978]
58-60 Drafts: 'Mass-spectrometric evidence for quinonoid-lysine coupling products in cigar protein' File 1980
61-67 Drafts: '25 years of Science Citation Index - some experiences' File 1986-1990
70 Drafts: 'Draft of section on amino-acids' Item n.d.
71 Translations: Hardback notebook, 'Translations of Russian papers abstracted' Item 1940-1943
72-73 Translations: 'Gramicidin and its Properties' by G.F. Gause and M.G. Brazhnikova, in Synge's hand Item 1940-1943
91 Editorial correspondence: Academic Press File 1950-1970
92 Editorial correspondence: The Analyst (Journal of the Royal Society of Chemistry) File 1952-1991