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Código de referência
- 22 Mar. 1920 (Produção)
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Âmbito e conteúdo
Continues A2/27/2. They should condemn the Extra-Assistant Commissioner who had people in marriage processions flogged, leaving Local Government to deal with him. They should condemn the crawling and salaaming orders, and censure officers who used unnecessary severity. In Delhi it is only necessary to commend Barron and to exonerate Colonel Beadon with regard to special constables, modifying the constables’ rules of employment if necessary. They should approve the actions of Government and the local authorities in Bombay, and those of Fyson, Broadway, and the Punjab Government in Lahore. Generally speaking they should commend strongly those officers whose work is approved by the Committee for their prompt and vigorous action. They should express general appreciation of General Johnson’s administration, but disapprove of the number of floggings and the orders criticised by the Committee. At Gujrunwala they should reprobate the dropping of bombs on certain occasions, but take no further action against the officers concerned. They should definitely exonerate O’Dwyer and state that he acted with decision and vigour in crushing a dangerous rising. In conclusion they should express regret for the lives lost, and advise they are taking steps to prevent a repetition of those aspects of the administration of martial law which have been censured, by means of a manual of instruction, which he hopes will be ready by the time the report is published. They should also state their intention to compensate the injured and the dependents of those killed at Jallianwala Bagh without discrimination, unless they are known to have taken part in the outrages of 10 April.