Deel ff. 11–17, 21–7 - Transcripts and translations of letters transmitted with the previous item


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Crewe MS/5/ff. 11–17, 21–7


Transcripts and translations of letters transmitted with the previous item


  • 1784? (Vervaardig)



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14 leaves


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Headed ‘Receuil de preuves servant à l’éclaircissement de la Lettre de Mr. De Marat à Mr. De St. Laurent du 20. 9bre. 1783.’ The transcripts are numbered in the margin as indicated below.

No. 1. Transcript of a letter from Louis de la Rochette to Jean-Paul Marat, 6 Jan. 1773.

No. 2. Transcript of a letter from Louis de la Rochette to Jean-Paul Marat, 20 Jan. 1773.

No. 3. Translation of a letter from Lord Lyttelton to Jean-Paul Marat, 19 Nov. 1772.

No. 4. Translation of a letter from Charles Collignon to Jean-Paul Marat, 1 May 1773.

No. 5. Translation of a letter from Lord Lyttelton to Jean-Paul Marat, 27 Dec. 1773.

No. 6. Transcript of a letter from Gabriel Prevost to Jean-Paul Marat, 25 Nov. 1777.

No. 7. Transcript of a letter from the Marquis de Gouy to Jean-Paul Marat, 21 Aug. 1781.

No. 8. Transcript of a letter from François du Cluzel to the Duc de Choiseul, 1776 x 1783.

No. 9. Transcript of a letter from Jean-Baptiste Le Roy to the Marquis de Laubespin, 1778.

No. 10. Transcript of a letter from Hugues Maret to the Comte de Nogent (later Comte d’Orsay), early 1779.

No. 11. Transcript of a letter from J. H. S. Formey [to Jean-Paul Marat], 19 Feb. 1779.

(For No. 12 see ff. 18–20 below.)


No. 13. Transcript of a letter from Jean-Paul Marat to the Comte de Maillebois, 19 July 1779.

No. 14. Transcript of a note from the Comte de Maillebois to Jean-Paul Marat, 19 June 1779.

No. 15. Transcript of a note from the Comte de Maillebois to Jean-Paul Marat, 20 June 1779.

No 16. Transcript of a note by the Marquis de Condorcet, 14 July 1779.

No. 17. Transcript of a note from B. G. Sage to Jean-Paul Marat, 8 Oct. 1779.

Transcript of a note by Jean-Paul Marat, c. 1784.
‘Note de Mr. Marat sur les Lettres suivantes. Il y avait deja longtems que la vérification des experiences de Mr. Marat sur la lumiere, étoit terminée, et le rapport ne s’en faisant point, Mr. Marat pris le parti, de le solliciter.

No. 18. Transcript of a letter from Jean-Baptiste Le Roy to Jean-Paul Marat, 7 Jan. 1780.

No. 19. Transcript of a note from Jean-Baptiste Le Roy to Jean-Paul Marat, 17 Jan. 1780.

No. 20. Transcript of a note from Jean-Baptiste Le Roy to Jean-Paul Marat, 28 Jan. 1780.

No. 21. Transcript of a note from Jean-Baptiste Le Roy to Jean-Paul Marat, 13 Feb. 1780.

No. 22. Transcript of a letter from Jean-Baptiste Le Roy to Jean-Paul Marat, 23 Feb. 1780.

No. 23. Transcript of a letter from J. A. J. Cousin to Jean-Paul Marat, 13 Apr. 1780.

No. 24. Transcript of a note from J. A. J. Cousin to Jean-Paul Marat, 15 Apr. 1780.

No. 25. Transcript of a note from Jean-Paul Marat to the Marquis de Condorcet, 27 Apr. 1780, with Condorcet’s reply.

No. 26. Transcript of a note from Jean-Paul Marat to the Marquis de Condorcet, 30 Apr. 1780, with Condorcet’s reply.

No. 27. Transcript of a note from Jean-Paul Marat to the Marquis de Condorcet, 4 May 1780, with Condorcet’s reply.

No. 28. Transcript of a note from Jean-Paul Marat to the Marquis de Condorcet, 7 May 1780, with Condorcet’s reply.

No. 29. Transcript of a note from Jean-Baptiste Le Roy to Jean-Paul Marat, 9 May 1780.

No. 30. Extract from the register of the Académie Royale des Science, 10 May 1780.

Observations by Jean-Paul Marat on the preceding report, c. 1780.

No. 31. Transcript of a letter from the Comte de Tressan to Jean-Paul Marat, 24 July 1780.

No. 32. Transcript of a note from the editors of the Journal de Paris to the Comte de Gouy, 14 Nov. 1778.

(For No. 33 see ff. 18–20 below.)

No. 34. Transcript of a letter from M. Paté, ‘Professeur de Physique de Chalons sur Marne’, to Jean-Paul Marat, 25 Feb. 1780.

No. 35. Transcript of a letter from M. Paté to Jean-Paul Marat, 3 June 1781.

No. 36. Transcript of a letter from L. A. Dambourney to the Baron de Feldenfeld, [Sept. 1783?].

No. 37. Transcript of a letter from L. A. Dambourney to the Baron de Feldenfeld, 29 Sept. 1783.

No. 38. Transcript of a letter from the Baron de Feldenfeld to L. A. Dambourney, 3 Oct. 1783.

No. 39. Transcript of a letter from L. A. Dambourney to Jean-Paul Marat, 15 Oct. 1783.

No. 40. Transcript of a letter from L. A. Dambourney to the Baron de Feldenfeld, 20 Nov. 1783.

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