Stuk 209 - Typed letter from Robert Lantz


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Typed letter from Robert Lantz


  • 23 Aug. 2001 (Vervaardig)



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4 sheets


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The Lantz Office, 200 West 57th Street, Suite 503, New York, NY 10019 - Is writing late on Wednesday so that it can be sent by International Federal Express as soon as Lawrence [?] types it; was watching the Gala Performance to end the Mostly Mozart Festival on 'Live from Lincoln Center' and it featured a five minute clip from 'Amadeus'; will try and get a videotape so that he and Milos [Forman] can see it; begs him not to be the only enemy his plays have, knows he is distressed about certain critical misstatements, but they come from a minute minority and every masterpiece suffers from them; urges him not to let a few reviews silence him, 'Shrivings' just needs one more look by its creator; no other living playwright has a record like his; Tom Stoppard, whom they both admire, writes self-consciously, 'without the hot pulsing blood that is in the veins of your work'; he will write to Buckingham Palace to have his knighthood removed 'as there is no glory to him and his name that can be bestowed by others'; urges him not to go into a corner but instead start writing again.

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