Stuk 74 - William Whewell to Julius Charles Hare


referentie code

Add. MS a/215/74


William Whewell to Julius Charles Hare


  • 14 Feb. 1844 (Vervaardig)



Omvang en medium

4 pp.


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WW would like JCH's judgement on a matter concerning the son of Lord Monteagle [Aubrey Richard Spring Rice]. He has taken his degree and intends to take orders but is only 21. He needs advice on the best way to prepare for ministerial office during the next two years. Should he go to theological college or attach himself to some clergyman as a sort of lay curate? WW is giving his 5th course of lectures on morals to a considerable audience. Unfortunately Henry Taylor's life of Southey will be delayed due to his ill health. WW does not envy Taylor's task of ploughing through Southey's considerable archive of letters: 'Taylor appears from the book to be a man of more ability than I was aware of'. WW still has 'a hankering after etymology. Do you not think that when you and I grow old and are released from the heavier business of life we might re-establish the Etymological Society and work out some of our old plans? I do not see that the Philological Society is likely to supercede our labours'.

Waardering, vernietiging en slectie



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