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- 3 Nov. 1845 (Production)
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Étendue matérielle et support
4 pp.
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One of WW's small projects is to get a fair hearing for English hexameters: 'Will you help me?' WW wants to publish 'hexameter poems by several persons respected by the world'; JCH's translations of Goethe, John Herschel's of Schiller, WW's of Hermann and Dorothea and those of several other hexameterists. WW has 'just been reading with great delight Bunsen's [Christian C. J. Bunsen] Church of the Future. I hope it is to be translated. The appearance of such a work at present would, in my opinion, be a great blessing to us Englishmen'. JCH should try and persuade Bunsen to give WW an English edition of the work. Worsley [Thomas Worsley] is printing his Christian Advocates's book [The Province of the Intellect in Religion Deduced from our Lord's Sermon on the Mount, 3 vols., 1845]: 'If he avoids shocking his colder readers by strange imaginations which have grown up in his mind during the long time that he has brooded over his system, he may I hope, carry with him many who like systematized fancies on religious subjects'.