Level of description
Digital object |
f. 10 |
Print captioned ‘The European Race Heat IId. Anno Dom. MDCCXXXVIII.’ |
Part |
26 Nov. 1738 |
f. 14 |
Print captioned ‘The C–rd–n–ls Master-Piece, or Europe in a Flurry’ |
Part |
Oct. 1741 |
f. 15 |
Print captioned ‘A Parliamentary Debate in Pipes’s Ground’ |
Part |
1743 |
ff. 18-21 |
Printed pamphlet, entitled The Prince of Wales his Dream, presaging the Death of Queen Carolina his Mother: in Latin, French, and English verses, London |
Part |
1738 |
ff. 26-9 |
Printed pamphlet entitled The Late Gallant Exploits of a Famous Balancing Captain: a new song, to the tune of ‘The King and the Miller’ |
Part |
1741 |
ff. 30-3 |
Printed pamphlet entitled Britannia, or the Contrast between Robert W— and William P—: a pastoral dialogue by way of allegory |
Part |
1741 |
f. 38 |
Printed list of ships abroad in the service of the United East India Company, with a list of ships arrived back in the ports of the Channel since the last year’s list |
Part |
29 Apr. 1738 |
f. 39 |
Printed list of ships abroad in the service of the United East India Company, with a list of ships arrived back in the ports of the Channel since the last year’s list |
Part |
Apr. 1739 |
ff. 111-32 |
Printed pamphlet entitled Letters which passed between Count Gyllenborg, the Barons Gortz, Sparre, and others, relating to the design of raising a rebellion in His Majesty’s dominions, to be supported by a force from Sweden |
Part |
1717 |
ff. 176-85 |
French translations of articles in the London Gazette, 16-19 May 1741 and 16-20 June 1741, reporting news brought from Carthagena de las Indias by Captain Laws and Captain Wimbleton |
Part |
c. 1741 |
f. 235 |
Description of the next item, in French |
Part |
1743 |
f. 12 |
Print captioned ‘La Rareté de France’ and ‘De Praagsche Rariekiek’ |
Part |
1741 |
ff. 16-17 |
Epigrams on the death of Queen Caroline, in Latin and English |
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1737 |
ff. 36-7 |
Note, in Portuguese, of the times of year when ships are sent from England to the East Indies, and when they return |
Part |
c. 1740 |
ff. 74-98, 100-9 |
French translation of The Present State of the British and French Sugar Colonies and our own Northern Colonies Considered, by William Perrin (1740) |
Part |
c. 1740 |
ff. 134-5 |
Printed list of the members of the House of Commons who voted for and against the convention with Spain (on 8 Mar. 1739), showing their annual salaries |
Part |
1739 |
f. 136 |
Description of the next item, in French |
Part |
1743 |
ff. 187-8 |
French translation of the first part of ‘A Letter to a Gentleman’, etc. (continued from f. 34) |
Part |
c. 1742 |
ff. 236–9 |
French translations of parts of the Report on ff. 241-6 |
Part |
c. 1742 |
f. 1 |
Title: ‘Collection de differentes Traductions de Pasquinades, critiques, et Brochures, et d’autres Discours et Projets politiques, et commerciales, qui sont sortis à Londres. Le Tout interressant et Instructif pour connoître les affaires d’apresent; et compilé à Londres 1743.’ |
Part |
1743 |
ff. 2-4 |
Table of contents |
Part |
1743 |
f. 9 |
Print captioned ‘Slavery’ |
Part |
1738 |
f. 11 |
Print captioned ‘The European Race Heat IIId. Anno Dom. MDCCXXXIX.’ |
Part |
1 Apr. 1739 |
f. 35 |
Description of the next five items (ff. 36-41), in French |
Part |
1743 |
f. 42 |
Title of the next item, in French |
Part |
1743 |
ff. 43-65 |
‘Memoire sur l’importance du commerce du tabac[,] sur les moyens d’en etablir des plantations dans les Colonies Francoises, la facilité d’y reussir et de supplanter les Anglois dans cette branche de commerce’, by Etienne de Silhouette(?) |
Part |
1739 |
ff. 66-9 |
Transcript, in French, of a contract between Clément Huber and the fermiers generaux relating to the importation of tobacco via England |
Part |
4 Feb. 1739 |
ff. 137-74 |
French translation of An Address to the Electors and other Free Subjects of Great Britain, occasion’d by the late Secession (by Benjamin Robins) (1739) |
Part |
c. 1739 |
f. 186 |
Title of the item on ff. 189-213, with an introduction by the translator; in French |
Part |
c. 1742 |
ff. 189-213 |
French translation of The Groans of Germany, or the Enquiry of a Protestant German into the Original Causes of the Present Distractions of the Empire, 2nd ed. (1741) |
Part |
c. 1741 |