Papers, pamphlets, and prints on British politics and trade

Inventory list
Identifier Sort ascending Title Level of description Date Digital object
f. 10 Print captioned ‘The European Race Heat IId. Anno Dom. MDCCXXXVIII.’ Part 26 Nov. 1738
f. 14 Print captioned ‘The C–rd–n–ls Master-Piece, or Europe in a Flurry’ Part Oct. 1741
f. 15 Print captioned ‘A Parliamentary Debate in Pipes’s Ground’ Part 1743
ff. 18-21 Printed pamphlet, entitled The Prince of Wales his Dream, presaging the Death of Queen Carolina his Mother: in Latin, French, and English verses, London Part 1738
ff. 26-9 Printed pamphlet entitled The Late Gallant Exploits of a Famous Balancing Captain: a new song, to the tune of ‘The King and the Miller’ Part 1741
ff. 30-3 Printed pamphlet entitled Britannia, or the Contrast between Robert W— and William P—: a pastoral dialogue by way of allegory Part 1741
f. 38 Printed list of ships abroad in the service of the United East India Company, with a list of ships arrived back in the ports of the Channel since the last year’s list Part 29 Apr. 1738
f. 39 Printed list of ships abroad in the service of the United East India Company, with a list of ships arrived back in the ports of the Channel since the last year’s list Part Apr. 1739
ff. 111-32 Printed pamphlet entitled Letters which passed between Count Gyllenborg, the Barons Gortz, Sparre, and others, relating to the design of raising a rebellion in His Majesty’s dominions, to be supported by a force from Sweden Part 1717
ff. 176-85 French translations of articles in the London Gazette, 16-19 May 1741 and 16-20 June 1741, reporting news brought from Carthagena de las Indias by Captain Laws and Captain Wimbleton Part c. 1741
f. 235 Description of the next item, in French Part 1743
f. 12 Print captioned ‘La Rareté de France’ and ‘De Praagsche Rariekiek’ Part 1741
ff. 16-17 Epigrams on the death of Queen Caroline, in Latin and English Part 1737
ff. 36-7 Note, in Portuguese, of the times of year when ships are sent from England to the East Indies, and when they return Part c. 1740
ff. 74-98, 100-9 French translation of The Present State of the British and French Sugar Colonies and our own Northern Colonies Considered, by William Perrin (1740) Part c. 1740
ff. 134-5 Printed list of the members of the House of Commons who voted for and against the convention with Spain (on 8 Mar. 1739), showing their annual salaries Part 1739
f. 136 Description of the next item, in French Part 1743
ff. 187-8 French translation of the first part of ‘A Letter to a Gentleman’, etc. (continued from f. 34) Part c. 1742
ff. 236–9 French translations of parts of the Report on ff. 241-6 Part c. 1742
f. 1 Title: ‘Collection de differentes Traductions de Pasquinades, critiques, et Brochures, et d’autres Discours et Projets politiques, et commerciales, qui sont sortis à Londres. Le Tout interressant et Instructif pour connoître les affaires d’apresent; et compilé à Londres 1743.’ Part 1743
ff. 2-4 Table of contents Part 1743
f. 9 Print captioned ‘Slavery’ Part 1738
f. 11 Print captioned ‘The European Race Heat IIId. Anno Dom. MDCCXXXIX.’ Part 1 Apr. 1739
f. 35 Description of the next five items (ff. 36-41), in French Part 1743
f. 42 Title of the next item, in French Part 1743
ff. 43-65 ‘Memoire sur l’importance du commerce du tabac[,] sur les moyens d’en etablir des plantations dans les Colonies Francoises, la facilité d’y reussir et de supplanter les Anglois dans cette branche de commerce’, by Etienne de Silhouette(?) Part 1739
ff. 66-9 Transcript, in French, of a contract between Clément Huber and the fermiers generaux relating to the importation of tobacco via England Part 4 Feb. 1739
ff. 137-74 French translation of An Address to the Electors and other Free Subjects of Great Britain, occasion’d by the late Secession (by Benjamin Robins) (1739) Part c. 1739
f. 186 Title of the item on ff. 189-213, with an introduction by the translator; in French Part c. 1742
ff. 189-213 French translation of The Groans of Germany, or the Enquiry of a Protestant German into the Original Causes of the Present Distractions of the Empire, 2nd ed. (1741) Part c. 1741