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- 12 June 1890 (Production)
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1 doc
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Asks for Sidgwick's opinion on 'the character of the papers set in Political Science' in that year, and on those set for the previous year's Historical Tripos. Also asks him whether he thinks that those who wish to retain 'that subject in the compulsory portion of the Tripos should feel satisfied with the knowledge tested in the above papers and in the instruction provided. Maintains that those who are likely to score highest in such papers should be encouraged to take the tripos, but contends that 'the paper of questions in Political Science should be such as to test substantial knowledge rather than powers of vague generalization - often on very scanty data.' Refers to the apparent inconsistency between the curriculum set out for the revised Historical Tripos, and the questions set in the papers for that examination. Maintains that some of the questions on that and the previous years' papers, 'in order to be answered at all adequately demand far more knowledge than it would be reasonable to expect the candidates to possess.' Admits being 'inclined to agree in part with the opinion of Mrs Langlois in the Historical Review for April on the uselessness of historical comparisons that are not close and definite.' Holds that the answers to several of the questions set in the papers are likely to be based on inaccurate knowledge 'eked out with ingenuity in concealing ignorance', and that the University ought not to encourage this practice.