Zone d'identification
Booklet of coupons for travel from Cook's Far Eastern Tours
- [1913] (Production)
Niveau de description
Étendue matérielle et support
Booklet; one one coupon remaining inside covers, others stubs only.
Zone du contexte
Nom du producteur
Histoire archivistique
Source immédiate d'acquisition ou de transfert
Zone du contenu et de la structure
Portée et contenu
Booklet with image of routes used by Cook's Far Eastern Tours on front. Tickets for journeys from Tangho to Tientsin [Tianjin], Tangho to Shanhaikuan, and Shanhaikuan to Mukden [Shenyang] removed, leaving only stubs; first class ticket from Tientsin to Peking [Beijing] on the Imperial Railways of North China remains.
Appraisal, destruction and scheduling
System of arrangement
Zone des conditions d'accès et d'utilisation
Conditions d’accès
Conditions governing reproduction
Language of material
- chinois
- anglais
Script of material
- idéogrammes han
- latin