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- 24 Jan. (1877?) (Vervaardig)
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Explains that his failure to write to Sidgwick before is due to lack of leisure time. Congratulates him on his marriage. Hopes that his new status will not cause him to be 'withdrawn from Cambridge.' Thanks him for sending him his 'Ethics', and confesses that he has not read the entire work, but firmly intends to master it. Informs him that their Ladies College 'has been a fair success'; it has two hundred pupils and a good staff of teachers. States that their weak point is that girls come to them having been ill-taught, especially in mathemtics, 'and expect to be "finished" in a year.' Claims however that they work 'with a will', and thinks that some of them shall get good results. Complains also that as girls in Australia develop earlier than their English counterparts, their work suffers as a result of their heads being filled with 'visions of coming out, or of 'carrying on flirtations.'
Writes of a lecture he gave some six weeks previously on 'Taxation in England' with an application to Victoria, in which he had suggested that the tax on land should vary according to the size of the estates. Discusses the fact that the land is rapidly being bought up 'by a few jobbers in new countries like the colonies', with reference to estates in New South Wales and Victoria. Refers to the banks' role, and to the attitude of the Conservatives to the issue. Discusses the attitude of the Liberal and Conservative papers to his lectures. Claims to be uncertain as yet whether he shall stand for election or not. Claims to watch Cambridge events with interest, but only gets scattered notices of his friends. Asks him to let him know how Mrs Venn is. Expresses the wish to revisit England for a year to see all his old friends, but fears that a trip there would prove to be too expensive. Reports that N[ ] is getting on very well at the University. Expresses the hope that they shall soon get some of the professors and lecturers on to the University Council. Asks Sidgwick to remember him to 'old friends, especially Aldis Wright, Jackson, and Mrs Luard.'
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- Sidgwick, Henry (1838-1900), philosopher (Onderwerp)
- Sidgwick, Eleanor Mildred (1845-1936), college head (Onderwerp)
- Wright, William Aldis (1831-1914), literary and biblical scholar (Onderwerp)
- Jackson, Henry (1839-1921), classical scholar (Onderwerp)