Pièce 10a.33 - Commonplace book relating to the college, including a copy of James Duport's rules

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Commonplace book relating to the college, including a copy of James Duport's rules


  • c. 1660 (Production)

Niveau de description


Étendue matérielle et support

1 vol., leather bound, c. 144 x 930 x 23 mm. Paginated 1-74; rest of book (84 ff) blank, except for pencil notes and calculations on last leaf. Label pasted to inside front board; 1 f. tipped in there. No pp. 5/6, 23/24, 29/30 (all stubs). Slit across pp 71/72; lower half of pp. 73/74 missing. Stubs after pp. 74 and at end of book.

Zone du contexte

Histoire archivistique

Source immédiate d'acquisition ou de transfert

Bought from Geoffrey E. H. Grigson, Pelynt, Looe, in Apr. 1927. Note that Preston & Oswald (2011) suggest that 1927 might be the date Grigson bought the book himself, but there is a record of the purchase from Grigson for this date in a college accessions book.

Zone du contenu et de la structure

Portée et contenu

Note about James Duport pasted to the inside front cover. Notes headed 'G. E. H. Grigson Esq., Pelynt, Looe, Cornwall' tipped in at beginning of book: 'A commonplace book in a late 17th cent: hand or early 18th, by an undergrad: or fellow of Trinity College...', records extent and condition of book before listing contents. Note at the bottom [in the hand of A. F. Scholfield, Librarian?]: 'Bought for £1. ? Apr. 1927'.

pp. 1-15 (pp. 5-6 excised): 'Rules to be observed by young Pupils & Schollers in the University', concluding 'The End of Mr Duports Rules. Ann. dom. 1660'
pp. 16-18: 'Animadversions upon the Election of Fellowes in Trin: Coll. Ann dom: 1656.' English verses.
pp. 18-22: 'In electionem Socioru[m] Trin: Coll.Anno 1658.' Latin verses on the election of fellows to Trinity.
pp. 22[-23 or 24]: 'A Relation of a Quaker, that to the shame of his profession attempted to bugger a mare neere Colchester Anno 1658.' English verses. Most of the tile, from 'to the shame' to 'Anno', crossed out in later hand. Four verses only; the leaf containing the rest has been excised.
pp. 25-28: 'Verses made upon the election of Fellows T.C. 1659.' English verses.
pp. 31-33: 'The hunting of the Hare.' English verses.
pp. 33-49: 'Oratio M[agist]ri Linnet, habita in Collegio SStae & Individuae Trinit: cu[m] Primarij lectoris officiu[m] exorsus est.' Latin prose. Text of oration delivered by William Lynnet at Trinity at the beginning of his term as Head Lecturer, Oct. 1656.
pp. 50-73: 'Oratio habita in Collegio SStae Trin Cantab: circa annum 1654 die quinto Novembris in conspirationem Anglicanam. Authore M[agist]ro Ramsy ejusde[m] Collegii quonda[m] Socio.' Latin prose. Oration delivered by John Ramsey c 1654, ' about the Anglican [English] conspiracy of the fifth day of November [the Gunpowder Plot].
p. 74: Transcription of lines from Isaac Watt's 'How does the little busy bee...', published 1715, in childish hand.

'Walter Godfrey's' written in pencil on last page; there is a discussion in Preston & Oswald (2011) as to whether the original owner may have been Walter Godfrey, matriculated 1661 but did not graduate.

Appraisal, destruction and scheduling


System of arrangement

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Conditions d’accès

Conditions governing reproduction

Language of material

  • anglais
  • latin

Script of material

    Language and script notes

    Caractéristiques matérielle et contraintes techniques

    Finding aids

    Zone des sources complémentaires

    Existence and location of originals

    Existence and location of copies

    Related units of description

    Cambridge University Library, MS Add. 6986: James Duport: Rules to fellow commoners.

    Descriptions associées

    Publication note

    G. M. Trevelyan, (1943), 'Undergraduate life under the Protectorate', The Cambridge Review, 64, 328-30. Includes transcription.
    Preston, C. D., & Oswald, P. H. (2011). 'James Duport’s Rules for his tutorial pupils: a comparison of two surviving manuscripts ', Transactions of the Cambridge Bibliographical Society, 14(4), 317–362. http://www.jstor.org/stable/23622489
    Includes transcription.

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