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- 31 Aug 1900 (Vervaardig)
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1 doc
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Writes on the death of Henry Sidgwick, claiming that the friend whom he 'admired and respected most of all men that [he has] ever known has passed away.' Is glad that his sufferings are over. Supposes himself to be one of his oldest friends, although has seen him little in the past few years, and expresses his gratitude to Nora for having given him the chance of seeing him again the previous Christmas. Remembers him 'as the freshman from Rugby of whom so much was prophesied...and how he carried off from [him] the [ ] university scholarship for which [he] had been set down in common expectation.' Refers also to a walking tour that they had together, and the interplay of thought and discussion which they shared. States that the world 'can never produce again a mind so absolutely candid or a nature so absolutely sincere'.
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Naam ontsluitingsterm
- Sidgwick, Eleanor Mildred (1845-1936), college head (Onderwerp)
- Sidgwick, Henry (1838-1900), philosopher (Onderwerp)